Everyone needs to start bird photography at the same point, with the same experience. That is ZERO.
I had a crack about eight years ago using slidefilm and my then kit zoom lens, will convert a few to digital soon and share. My obsession began when I first bought a DSLR, the humble Canon EOS 30D, which is still an awesome camera in its right.
My first bird photo was the 82nd taken with the new DSLR and it was a Noisy Miner in the front yard. This is it.
What a great story Akos and a lovely photo to go with it.
MIne started with a little compact camera in the back yard. We had a Plume come in and i took a shot to show Shane. It was more so he would believe me about the bird that came in. It just went from there and two years on we still love getting out in the bush walking and appreciating the birdlife and nature.
Thanks for sharing your story and photo. I was wondering do you every frame any of your work?
I know these birds are common, but they also have a lot of personality and courage as well. I've seen them fearlessly attacking cats, and eagles, at great risk to themselves. Amazing little birds, really. I am trying to remember my first bird photo, but I fear my brain doesn't have the memory capacity it once had.
Brisbane southside.
Nice to see your first shot Akos. I took my first shot with a little Lumix P&S and it was of a magpie resting in my neighbour's backyard.
Cheers, Owen.
Gee, you're good knowing what number photo it was. I'm not sure when I got into taking birds. It probably was quite sometime ago but the passion grew once I got my current camera over 3 years ago (Nikon D90). I wasn't satisfied with my 55-200mm lens so got a 70-300mm but am getting keen on obtaining a 400mm now.
What really got me going with my latest camera was a blue banded bee. I have a story about it on my photography website - I'd never seen or heard one before and it fascinated me to the point that I did research to find out what it was. From there I progressed to bird shots and love the challenge of getting as close as possible (still not close enough) without it taking off. I've got some miner bird shots too. They do have character.
Selby, Victoria
Cath, I have ONLY printed one image for me. It's a Whistling Kite in flight and it sits inside one of those motivational poster frames in my office at work. The original Bald Eagle photo they had in it really sucked. It was dark, out of focus etc. etc. So I wanted something bright, appropriate and closer to home. Otherwise I never, ever printe my shots for myself. I only print some to a couple of older lady friends who allow me access to their private properties along the Nepean River.
Kathie, it's easy to know the number because of the file name of _img0082. I guess that is the 82nd shot.
And what a great shot it is.
nice story, great idea to have a look at everyone's first (or close to first) bird photo.I have taken photos of other things before I got interested in birds. The earliest I could find was this one, No 023, taken in March 2011, hmmm, hope I have improved, LOL
can't remember where it was taken.
Good idea it is! I had to go through Flickr to find my earliest bird shot - with my current camera. I hadn't really been saving them much before then.
Taken in January 2009. I think I got addicted at that point and kept looking for more birds.
Selby, Victoria