Grey Fantails by the dozens

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birdie's picture
Grey Fantails by the dozens

I have found a new place to go birding and it covers many categories of birds, including small woodland and grass species and waterbirds in the ponds. But to top it off it is in the cane field area so there are so many Birds of Prey ... I am in birdy heaven getting out there and spotting different ones every day

here is my favourite sighting so far..... on the edge of the Malaleuca swampy forest and in a cleared scrubby grassy area, the afternoons bring at least 50 or so little grey fantails ducking and diving as the late light catches the swarms of midges and other flying insects! Never have i seen the fantails less worried about me trying to catch them on camera

Windhover's picture

Lovely shots. I like the first one best.

Araminta's picture

Beautiful Adrienne, I love them.

For some reason I have a few birds that are single. The fantail is one of them, one lone New Holland, and one lone Eastern Spinebill. Hope they find partners.


birdie's picture

Thanks Akos and M-L.... I must confess I do not even know how to tell male from female in this species if there is  a way!  There were so many flitting around I dont think they were interested in partners anyway lol

Sunshine Coast Queensland


I love the first shot too. Its great when they get on with their business and pay no heed to us letting us get such great photos. Your new spot sounds wonderful.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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