Filing directory - or where is the pic of that bird?

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pacman's picture
Filing directory - or where is the pic of that bird?

part b - continued

My 'puter harddrive has a major directory called Birds - Australia (jpg); in this directory is a sub-directory called 03 Galliformes (Chicken-like Birds) ; in this directory is a sub-sub-directory called 04 Pheasant, Fowl & allies and in that directory is a folder called 02 Stubble Quail

  an  and I .I will find all of my pics of Stubble Quail in that folder

Of course I have separate folders for cock, hen and juvenile birds where warranted.

I have a similar list and directory, sub-directory, etc for the pics that I got in North America last year.

I hope that this helps at least person keep good track of their bird pics.

Mind you the largest directory/folder that I have is the 1 labelled - aa not sorted. For the '000s of pics that I have yet to sort to species or delete 'cause it is not good enough.

and please remember to maintain a good back-up process where you are backing up your pics to an external drive.

 02 Stubble Quail 02 02 Stubble Quail 02 Stubble Quail   and in this directory  and  

jfiess78's picture

Wow pacman, soooo organised, you must have an anaylitical mind.

Great system.....if I ever get my A into G I will have to give it a gowink


Araminta's picture, I have no system. Just like my drawers, they are filled with "stuff", if you open them quickly, "stuff" falls out. That doesn't matter, I just "stuff the stuff" back in. The good thing is, I DO remember where I put my "stuff"

As for the photos, I name them, like :weekend with Bob at the wetlands. I will remember what Bob and I saw. ( although I never met Bob. LOL) If not, I just have to scroll through 26000 photos, no problem.surprise


Woko's picture

Araminta, don't you get stuffed stuffing all that stuff back into your drawers?

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