Getting frustrated. I can't get a decent shot of a wagtail. They don't stay still long enough and trying to get close on a gopher is nigh impossible. However , here's what I have. Roy
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You are right Roy, they are hard to take photos of. Don't give up though, sometimes it takes a bit longer, I know the feeling.
( hope you don't mind me asking, what's a "gopher"?)
Gopher = mobility scooter for disabled.
You need lots of patience for small birds. Just sitting and waiting seems to be the best thing for me. I always have trouble focussing as they dart around inside bushes
Yes, I agree. Even auto focus doesn't have time to work as you can see from my shots. Might have to use my videocam. Roy
With the best gear and patience in the world you can still miss a wagtail roy or a fantail
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Better luck today. but 1 good shot out of 10. The fidgety little blighters are so quick even my videocam only shows blurred frames