Hmmm I wrote a reply but it seems to have vanished. I am not sure what type it is so i would appreciate any info on the ID..It was fun to catch this shot and had the crows to let me know when they were swooping in
Immature Black Kite. The barring on the tail now that I can see should be the difference. It appears Whistling Kite immatures don't have the dorsal tail bars. I will also double check with my friend Steve Debus. Will report back.
Thanks Akos for the confirmation. Robyn, you can make them larger than that so that they are better viewing, there are ways of doing it without losing too much quality, you obviously take some good shots so it would be great to see them bigger. Remember the idea of having a Flickr account if they are too big for the forum
Thankyou for ID now i can put name in album..yep i have this as my deshtop pic and its unreal when its large photo. I will look for flickr now..before i add more. I did get another shot which is with a crow but the background spoils the effect.I will see how i go. Thankyou again everyone
that must have been exciting!
Excellent pic. Wish birds would pose like this for me :)
Brisbane southside.
Wonderful shot Robyn, so is it a Whistling Kite then? Maybe someone can ID it for us if you are not sure .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hmmm I wrote a reply but it seems to have vanished. I am not sure what type it is so i would appreciate any info on the ID..It was fun to catch this shot and had the crows to let me know when they were swooping in
Juvenile white-bellied sea eagle?
like Birdie I thought a Whistling Kite but a BoP expert may give a contrary opinion
Could be an immature Whistling Kite or immature WBSE. I am on my phone now so will check later when I cansee on a big screen.
Stunning photo! Whistling Kite would be my thought.
Wow what a great shot. Right place and right time.
Immature Black Kite. The barring on the tail now that I can see should be the difference. It appears Whistling Kite immatures don't have the dorsal tail bars. I will also double check with my friend Steve Debus. Will report back.
Stephen Debus confirmed as juvenile Black Kite.
Thanks Akos for the confirmation. Robyn, you can make them larger than that so that they are better viewing, there are ways of doing it without losing too much quality, you obviously take some good shots so it would be great to see them bigger. Remember the idea of having a Flickr account if they are too big for the forum
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yes Robin, that is a great photo.
Adrienne, what is the right size on flickr? Medium, but there are three different Medium sizes.
Thankyou for ID now i can put name in album..yep i have this as my deshtop pic and its unreal when its large photo. I will look for flickr now..before i add more. I did get another shot which is with a crow but the background spoils the effect.I will see how i go. Thankyou again everyone