For those who followed the transformation of a male wren into the King of a harem of 5 females, I can report, that he has one chosen dominant female now. They now spend a lot of time off the ground in shrubs, singing to each other. They hang around the same thick grasses they nested in last season, I will not bother them for now, because I'd like them to nest there, a good place for me to take photos. (selfish me, LOL)
Took this photo of her this morning. It was very grey, as you can see, and the shrub has a funny green/blue colour.Anyway, here she is, the potential mother of his babies, I hope.
one more of the "King's " vavourite girl. He was sitting higher up in the shrub, that's why she is looking up there. Hope it works for her.
Just stunning ML. I am absolutely loving watching this story unfold. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
They really are gorgeous photos. Congratulations
Very Cute!
Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
I too am loving this story, and thank you for the lovely pics of this female. Looking forward to the next stage :)
Brisbane southside.
Great shots, great story, Araminta. I also like your honesty in relation to your "selfish me". I believe we need to be very self aware about why do what we do in relation to birds. If we're benefitting the birds & getting a buzz out of it at the same time then that's all to the good. In corporate crap speak a win-win. But if we're doing what we're doing simply for our own amusement then that's not so good. In corporate crap speak lose-win.
Thanks so much Woko. I'm always prepared to back off in order to protect any kind of wildlife. In my personal crap speak, even if I'm the looser, there is one winner, nature and the wildlife.
Yes Iam to enjoying the photo 's and story as well.
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW