can birds smell?

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tompm's picture
can birds smell?

Can birds smell?

What sense of taste do they have? The satin bowerbirds in our garden ate the hottest of chillies without any visible adverse effect. The cassowaries often pick up very yummy-looking rainforest fruits and then discard them.


Araminta's picture

Christina, I just googled it, there is a lot of information about that topic. Get down to it and start reading.


tompm's picture

Thank you for the tip! I am a bit of a dinosaur as far as computers are concerned and I often just do not think about "googleing"something instead of asking a "real" person.


Raven's picture

It is well known that the Australian Raven has a very acute sense of smell, they can pick up the scent of a rotting corpse miles away, hence in the country you see flocks of them feasting on a dead farm animal in a paddock.

Also I am sure the Kookaburra has a acute sense of smell too, as soon as we fire up the BBQ out back and have the bangers and steaks on the hotplate two or three of them turn up from nowhere (we have no resident local kookaburra's) and sit on the back fence waiting for a handout.  Likewise a couple of Australian Ravens will turn up too having caught the scent in the wind.

Araminta's picture

Hi Christina, sometimes a real person knows more than google can tell you. And what ever those people say doesn't have to be right.

Raven, those birds probably know, "ah, it's Saturday, he'll have a BBQ", they be lurking in the trees.


Woko's picture

What makes an emu travel many kilometres to water after a thunderstorm? Could it be the whiff of ozone on the breeze?

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