the male wren today

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Araminta's picture
the male wren today

I find this very interesting. I found the happy couple again today. (you can't miss them, they are very vocal, and they are always close together) They have been together for some time now, but he is only changing colours now. But it seems to happen differently to the other male I took photos of. Holly, have a close look, it is black underneath already? Or am I imagining this?

It wasn't easy to take photos of him, as he was deap inside a bush. To me, he still looks cute.

DSC03510 (1) DSC03512 (2) DSC03514 (1) tell me what you think Holly

Holly's picture

No definitely seems to have dark plumage underneath, can see the hint of blue coming through too.


I would think that, given he is only just acquiring breeding plumage now, he is a young male - remind me, did he always have the dark bill (if he did then my guess is that he is actually about 2 and had one breeding season last year too)? There plumage colour is testosterone linked - the older, higher quality males have more testosterone and therefore don't go into nuptial plumage (the brown) but simply moult blue to blue (if that makes sense).

Woko's picture

I didn't know that, Holly! I read in the Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds that older males retain their breeding plumage. Perhaps new information has come to light. Whatever, they're complex and interesting creatures.

Araminta's picture

He always had the dark bill, but not as dark as this.

Woko, I have watched the Wrens in my garden all year round, I have not seen any retaining their breeding plumage. I will observe them over time, and keep track of what ever happens to them.

Any information I can get is very welcome. I can't tell you why, but wrens fascinate me.


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