Brown Cuckoo-Dove

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jfiess78's picture
Brown Cuckoo-Dove

The other morning (around 6am) I was lying in bed thinking YES!! I get to have a bit more sleep after being up with the little ones throughout the night until I heard TAP TAP TAP on my sliding door. This was the culprit wink

Bromo's picture

Well look at that.  I never knew there was a Brown Cuckoo-Dove!  How interesting.  Thanks for taking the effort to take a few pics even though you deserved a good sleep-in.  We have a Crested Pidgeon that does the same on our kitchen window.  Funny things aint they :)

pacman's picture

treat him well jfiess as becasue of the colouring I believe that is a juvenile bird


jfiess78's picture

Hi Bromo, thankssmiley yes they are funny thingswink

jfiess78's picture

I think you may be right Peter. I think the reason he pecks at the glass is beacuse our windows are double glazed and he can see his reflection in there....the other day he was calling to itsmiley

Araminta's picture

Beautiful photos Jackie, I would like to have one at my place, but I'd like to have double glazed windows even more.wink



Lovley shots Jackie, must day i wouldnt mind being woken up by such a lovely thing. Would be nice if he hangs around.

birdie's picture

Wow Jackie, I have seen a few of these and your shots are just beautiful!  How lovely to have him peck at your window you are very lucky indeed.

never realised how pretty their eyes were before ...that is becasue my shots have never been that close !

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Karen's picture

It is great to see the beautiful detail in these pictures.  I've only ever seen one of these birds and he was too far away for decent pics.  Wish one would come and visit me.

Brisbane southside.

jfiess78's picture

Thanks everyone, sorry I have been off the site for so long!! I have not had internet access :0( 


Sooooo Beautiful shots, all the ones I have come across are in thick scrub and elusive.....Thanks for sharing.

Nahar's picture

Nice series from head to tail - worth for the lost sleep !!! Thanks for sharing.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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