Before I start, please accept my apology for the poor quality of these pics. They were taken too far away with a camera inadequate for the task by a semi blind photographer. Then they were brutally cropped to try to find the subjects in the pics. One day I'll do better, I swear! I went out on my own this morning and of course, it would be today I ran into these birds all sharing the same feeding ground.
Superb Fairy Wren. Plenty of these around this morning but couldn't tell the females from the other female wrens around. They all look the same to me.
Red-Backed Fairy Wren on the other side of the tree, and another wooing a female. Not sure she's one of his kind though.
And a Red-Browed (Firetail) Finch nibbling on a cobblers peg plant. If I thought I could attract this bird to my garden with cobblers pegs, I'd let them grow, I'd even cultivate them, but alas I doubt they would come in anyway. This was the hardest to get a picture of for some reason.
Don't apologize Karen, (although I do it all the time myself), I like the photos.I love No4,the Red-backed Fairy Wren wooing a female is gorgeous, although the girl is a Superb Fairy Wren. I'd love to see more of your photos. What are those large leaves in the last photo? Could I eat them? Well done girl

Thank you M-L. I did think maybe that male red backed wren was wooing the wrong female. Bless him :). I don't know what those leaves are, or if they are native to the area. Sometimes these things can grow from a seed dropped by a bird. I wouldn't like to try eating them without knowing what they are. I wish I could get closer to my subjects but the sweet little things will only allow me to get so far, then they've gone. I won't give up trying though.
Brisbane southside.
You done well Karen, i love the Red backed Wren he is beautiful. Have you tried sitting sometimes if you sit still the wrens will come to you instead of you chasing them.
Thanks :). Yes, would be good if they'd come closer, but this is about the best I've been able to do (so far). Saw so many birds but getting pics is another story.
Brisbane southside.
You will get there and sometimes its just pure luck. Right place and right time.
Great job Karen and you did really well with such tiny birds.... I got much worse shtos of Red baacked fairy Wrens last week myself and was still happy that I got them!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thank you :). I know they aren't good, but, like you, I get so excited when I get anything.
Brisbane southside.
I am doing an assignment for school which requires me to identify the birds in a particular area. I was wondering if you would be able to tell me what the following bird is.
Description - Female - Brownish back, pale yellow on chest, white and black eyes
Males - All yellow (bright yellow), same eyes as females.
They are very small at about 9cm long (i believe they were fully grown)
Do you know what type of bird that is?
Hi Naomi - I have moved your request to here: