Welcome to a new week everyone! Thought that I would introduce some new theme types to our Bird of the Week sessions Rather than focussing purely on a bird species (or type of bird) I will introduce different colours, habitats and other themes to keep things interesting.
This week is Black and White - interpret as you wish...
Here is my interpretation
, a Black Cormorant .
I'm quite enjoying Bird of the Week. I don't think you can call yourself Australian until you've been swooped by a Maggie.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Bridled Tern and Black Noddy @ Lady Musgrave Island, Qld Feb '12
Black&White, and a little red
I don't wish it on anyone, but this is what you get, when you live in Gembrook. Will try again much later, sorry.
I have to explain now, at first the photo wasn't transmitted, but thenit appeared.
Maggie and Black-shouldered Kite.
Cheers, Owen.
Its a beauty ....
The bird of the week is a good fun and I liked the topic Holly.
Here is a few I add :
A bit of variety :)

Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Mmm.... Ok :) Two interpretations and one more normal hehehe
Pied butcher bird.
Yay, i had hoped someone would go with a black and white shot!
Haha, this is a " soon to be" black & white Eurasian Coot.
Yeh I couldnt resist :) I often enjoy some black & white.
Hi Bromo, what is your avatar? A ferret ??
Hiya Araminta
We used o own a ferret and onw day while it was running around I was taking a few pics of it and just happened to get it sticking its tongue out hehe. That image has kinda stuck with me :)
Seem to be missing a few obvious ones
Great theme Holly and thanks for sharing your photos everyone. There are a lot more black and white birds than we first think of. I have a sacred ibis and a straw-necked ibis.
yey, B&W, there has to be a head somewhere?
Here is my contribution to this original theme, some lovely photos already from others i might say.
Wot!? No pelicans!!?? Yet.
Here are too of my shots, not close ups but i really like them so i thought i would share them. I love everyones shots. Owen your Kite shot is beautiful.
Oh and some pelicans for Woko
I know stilts have alaready appeared, but I like this shot.
And by the way the pelican is great.
Thanks cathshane. I can rest easy now.
One from me for *Black and White*. Great theme... levels the playing field I reckon :)
Enjoyed everyones photo's very much!
Brisbane Northside
Going for the trifecta ... Black Swans, Black Winged Stilts and an Australian White Ibis. And some Carnaby's Black Cockatoos.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Can I ask what the 2nd and 3rd birds are, Karlbob?
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
What a great selection of shots but I am waiting for a Penguin (or are they too grey?). You can never have enough Stilts so just one more because I do like it despite some lighting problems.
I have too many B&W birds. Here is one I photographed yesterday morning.