Baby Magpie

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Araminta's picture
Baby Magpie

Walking around a lake taking photos of ducks, suddenly this Magpie Baby dropped out of a tree right infront of me.Just out of the nest it had problems walking and kept calling for his parents. So I thought, great take some photos M-L. I was waiting for the parents to come down to feed. I could see some great photos already. I got quite close to the little one with no tail, but then....... I had to run for my life. Two huge Magpies started to attack.... I just made it back to the car in time, to save my head.surprise

Araminta's picture


Woko's picture

Well, well, that's something I haven't noticed before: the yellow tips to the young feathers on the back (thanks to your brave & excellent photography, Araminta). It would seem these are lost after a while. Has anybody noticed these yellow tips before?

Araminta's picture

Thanks for the nice compliment Woko. I can't tell you anything about the yellow tips, I have never seen a Magpie that small.


Nahar's picture

Bravo M-L. Bravo !!

I have been trying to shoot the babies of Masked Lapwing for a while - not a huge success so far.

Karen's picture

Sounds like quite an adventure, M-L.  I haven't seen one this young before either, so don't know if the yellow is normal or not.

Brisbane southside.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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