Australasian Figbirds with my new baby camera

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Australasian Figbirds with my new baby camera

I recently was lucky enough to win a smaller compact Canon camera. As there are so many times that I don't take a camera and then see something I would like at least to photograph for an ID, I thought I would try it out for size in my garden. I was quite happy with the results but find it really hard to use after using an SLR. Biggest problem for me was seeing the bird on the little screen to compose the shot. If anyone is looking for a camera and cannot stretch to a big one, this one is only $300 retail...Canon SX260 HS. This male Australasian Figbird and his mate are a regular presence in my backk garden and is a terror for dropping the discarded Palm fruits on my patio!!! 

Female Figbird shown below, they are so marked in contraast between the two but both are very pretty.

Karen's picture

I love these birds.  The male is so different to the female.  I miss them coming in this year.  They've been in every year until now and I was amazed to see one female swallow a large brazilian cherry whole.  No cherries this year, so no fig birds :(

Brisbane southside.

birdie's picture

Well they sure do love Palm berries Karen.... pity I know longer have Catbirds around as they used to love them too in my last garden. Normally I am not a fan of palms, but when they fruit they are spectacular ..... and very messy lol

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Nice shots.....good little camera.


A nice win and some nice shots.

birdie's picture

Yes Cath.... there are heaps of times I just don't want to carry a camera, but I always seem to ee somethiing like a buff banded rail when I dont take one!!!  I like to be able to have proof that I have at least had a good sigting lol

Sunshine Coast Queensland

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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