Mystery Robin/Wren ?

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lgh68's picture
Mystery Robin/Wren ?

I hope everyone will not be tired of my posting "mystery birds" but here is another I don't know.

Fast little bugger..some kind of robin or maybe wren?

pacman's picture

I suggest a Buff-rumped Thornbill

but that might change if I knew your location ( when you took the pic)


lgh68's picture was near Kennilworth Qld.

Figtree Walk..I just googled it (Figtree Walk) and got this:

"Some of the birds you can look out for are wompoo fruit-doves, green catbirds, figbirds, brush turkeys, yellow robins and eastern whipbirds"

lgh68's picture

Here is another from same day/place...I'm claiming it as a Rufous Fantail...

birdie's picture

Yes the latter is a rufous fantail, and the other just looks like some kind of thornbill I think. Hard to tell from the shot, so I couldnt say definitely.  Nice part of the world Kenilworth :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Andy's picture

The first one may be a Large-billed Scrubwren (quite different from the White-browed or Yellow-throated Scrubwrens). The Large-billed Scrubwrens have the round dark eye that gives them quite a "cute" appearance, in my opinion :-)

Woko's picture

And what seems to be a slight upward angle of the bill would indicate it's a Large-billed Scrubwren.

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