sorry, there seamed to have been a problem, the text split and I'm sure I didn't make a mistake. Anyway, go and have a look at the "mating Silver Gulls" I posted.
Here is one of a very busy Gannet. She was very busy flying back and forth over us at the Rookery gathering seaweed to build her nest. It is a magic sight, we have already been twice in a matter of weeks.
Thought I'd dig out some oldies for this one... some of my favourites from the past . They have been posted here before probably but most of the members these days wouldnt know anyway
Great photos everyone. Birdie I love your pelican eating and Headsie I love your pelican too. I think my first one is a great cormorant because of the white and yellow on the cheek and white under the bill. It did swallow this fish. My second one shows lots of different water birds, some migratory, at Stockton
This juv osprey was practising his diving for fish by swooping a tree and grabbing leaves. Unfortuniatley I had to shoot into the sun but it was great to watch.
Here are some Sivl
er Gulls I saw on Sunday. If you like them, I posted a pair mating in Best Photos. Go and have a look if you are interested?
sorry, there seamed to have been a problem, the text split and I'm sure I didn't make a mistake. Anyway, go and have a look at the "mating Silver Gulls" I posted.
Here is one of a very busy Gannet. She was very busy flying back and forth over us at the Rookery gathering seaweed to build her nest. It is a magic sight, we have already been twice in a matter of weeks.
And one of a Crested Tern at Marlo.
Excellent Cath and Shane.......Love both these birds, don't see them very often though.
Birds of the Saltwater around here.
Striated heron.
Pied oystercatchers
Eastern curlew
Brahminy kite
Thought I'd dig out some oldies for this one... some of my favourites from the past . They have been posted here before probably but most of the members these days wouldnt know anyway
Pelicans having a feast
Red Capped Plover
Pied Oyster Catcher
Silver Gull
Eastern Osprey
Reef egret
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Dancing heron
HI Sandgroper.... just wanted to let you know that I think that is an Egret not a Heron..FYI
THey are lovely to watch arent they
Sunshine Coast Queensland
How beautiful is this . I love it Headsie.
Nice set of shots Birdie !!!!! Love your Pelican Headsie......good one.
Cormorants watching a ship unload. Today
NIce shots all, but Headsie..... I have to say ...I LOVE your pelican with its dark BG ...awesome
Sunshine Coast Queensland
White-faced Storm-Petrel
18-21cm length with 38-43 cm wingspan
Love your shot Peter.
my guide says 'Feeding into wind, trails long legs into water, flutters, dips,picks food from surface.'
and that is an accurate description, my shutter speed = 1/3200
an immature Black-browed Albatross
a young Wandering Albatross, followed by an adult Wandering Albatross and followed by a Short-tailed Shearwater
Once again, some nice images. Loved those Egrets and of course the Pelican. Adding some from my collection:
Great selection everyone. Tassie love the eastern curlew. Headsie i also love the pelican shot its stunning.
I just love the pelicans around here
This photo was taken Wednesday 16/10/2012 at Woolgoolga. I'm not 100% sure of identity yet.
Crested Terns looking stylish
Young Pacific Gull, and juvenile Silver Gull eating a fish. Both taken at Brighton Beach.
I believe that is a Ruddy Turnstone
Sea Gulls,etc.
I love No3, the Silver Gull almost looks as if he is standing still. Great shot.
Great photos everyone. Birdie I love your pelican eating and Headsie I love your pelican too. I think my first one is a great cormorant because of the white and yellow on the cheek and white under the bill. It did swallow this fish. My second one shows lots of different water birds, some migratory, at Stockton
Here is my great cormorant
I've had a really busy week so finally contributing here. Mainly seagulls. I don't get to the beach often.
And a Little Tern
Selby, Victoria
This juv osprey was practising his diving for fish by swooping a tree and grabbing leaves. Unfortuniatley I had to shoot into the sun but it was great to watch.
Still a great shot Headsie. Well done.
Selby, Victoria
Top shot Headsie. they are a magnificent bird.
Yes, excellent job Headsie.