Pacific Black Duck tiny Babies

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Araminta's picture
Pacific Black Duck tiny Babies

On the way home from the shops, I stopped at the local lake in Berwick. I knew there had to be little ones. And I faound them, so small, they could have titted in the palm of my hand. So I took lots and lots of photos. Of some Eurasian Coot Babies, and Pacific Black Ducks.

When I turned up, the local Photography Club was just putting up their cameras and tripods, and their teacher was giving them instructions about the settings they should use.

Hmmm, while I was happy just shooting, getting as close as I could, making sure the sun was behind me, I heard them swearing about things like: I can't focus on the bird, they move too fast, it's gone now, what settings did you use..... I had taken 126 photos, and wanted to go home, when one of them asked me, are you giving up?  No, I said, I have taken all I want. Can you show us? Someone said? Sure.  Then, how did you do it??? What settings did you use, our photos don't look like that. I had to answer, I don't know, I just take photos, the rest is done by my camera.

Yes, sorry, but I still "only take photos", and I am perfectly happy with that. (no ambition?)

As someone told me some time ago, "just imagine how much better your photography could be, if you learned how to use your camera?"laugh My photos are good enough for me.

Well, here are some Ducklingswink

Araminta's picture

I would have corrected the spelling, but the editing didn't work, sorry.

BTW, the photos are as they came out of the camera, you guessed it, taken on AF. But if you want me to tell what settings the Sony A77 used, I can do that.


Owen1's picture

Nice shots M-L. Beautiful sunlight and detail.

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

Thanks Owen.


sparrow's picture

You are learning how to use your camera !

You've learnt some of the most important things in photography ,your use of available light,composition,getting close to your subject,and you FILL THE FRAME !

Your photos are stunning and evolving every time you post .Love your work!

soakes's picture

hee hee "titted".

Cute duckings.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Araminta's picture

devilthere were lots of "titted duckings" blush


kathiemt's picture

Great close ups. Is that what they're called even though they're not black?  I've got some of the same ducklings but don't think they're as close up. Will post later.

Selby, Victoria

Araminta's picture

Yes Kathie, that's what they are calledcheeky, I'm sure yours will be the same little ones, same lake different day, haha.

I had a lovely time walking around the lake with you this morning, thanks for meeting me there. Can't wait to see some of your shots.

We have to go out on a nicer day, hard to put some sunshine in a photo on a grey day.


kathiemt's picture

Thanks for asking me. I had a lovely time and had no idea that park was there. I love learning about 'new' parks. 

Working through the shots and responding to emails, returning phone calls, etc.  My office is rarely quiet.  But I did hear a different bird sound a half hour ago - have no idea what kind of bird it is. Have taken photos and am now trying to find out what it is. Can't find it in the bird finder so will post that soon too.

Selby, Victoria

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