feeding sulphur crested cockies

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george's picture
feeding sulphur crested cockies

 live in westen sydney near penrith.

 every morning and afternoon in they come, the other day i counted 150 to 200 birds.

 is it illegal to feed them in built up areas.

Beef's picture

What do your neighbours say?

Just wondering because in springwood near you i see them dammaging all sorts of things.

Cheers Beef.

george's picture

sorry i should have said the neighbour is feeding them, and yes there are some dirty  sick ones amoungst them.

unable to speak to neighbours maybe a letter box drop ,

Woko's picture

I'm sure Araminta would have something to contribute in relation to the "dirty sick ones".

There's lots of information about the pros & cons of feeding birds on this forum, george. As you'll see if you check out this information I'm very much anti artificial feeding of birds & you're very welcome to use any of my posts in your attempts to educate your neighbour about the problems of artificial feeding.

I don't know what the NSW or local law is in relation to artificially feeding birds but my guess would be that there's no law against it. NSW forum members may have more information.


Yeah, probably aiding the spread of psatticine beak and feather disease if that's what the "dirty, sick ones" have... Or other viruses and diseases at any rate

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