Some silvereyes are still in my trees, but most of them have moved on. (should reach Kathie's place in the hills any minute now) Took some more photos before they've all left.
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i love the pose in the second picture - i could never ever get my leg to bend like that :p
Thanks Nathan, No1 & No3 are shot in a sequence, you can see the foot grabbing onto the tiny twigg, and then holding onto it.
(I do all my bird photograpy on Sports Mode and AF, my beautiful Sony A77 does the rest )
hmm,i've never even tried shooting in sports mode - it seems to work well,with your photos as proof! :p
Nice shots of these cuties. I wish we had them in our garden. You certainly get very close to your sbjects, M-L.
Melbourne, VIC
Thanks George for your nice comment. I can stand in a tree for as long as it takes for the birds to turn up and be in the right spot.
Love the one with it hanging down. I still haven't got a nice shot of these guys yet!
Cheers, Owen.
Amazing birds and excellent shots.