the first flight of Brown Thornbills

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Araminta's picture
the first flight of Brown Thornbills

Somehow I always have the great fortune to be close by when babies take their first flight. Just a few minutes ago I heard some begging sounds outside my door, and two little brown Thornbills sat on my door mat. They had just come out of the nest, some nesting material was still stuck to their feet. When I came back after getting my camera, one had flown under the roof, trying to cling onto the rafters. Mum was desperately calling to entice him to come down, the other baby had flown into a shrub. Baby found the old swallow nest and sat on it, some nesting stuff still hanging from his foot. Then something (for me) unexpected occurred, two other adult bird arrived, all of them calling and trying to make the baby come down. One flew up next to the little one, while the others sat in a shrub and called out. It was definitely a team effort, and well planned and executed. Here are some photos I took, it was very dark under the roof, and there was no time to change anything on the camera, so the quality could be better. Still, I felt very privileged.

---'s picture

Haha,you're lucky

i love the last shot - you can see how tiny the thornbill is comparing it to the nest

Araminta's picture

Thanks Nathan, it was soooo tiny. Did you notice the nesting material stuck to his foot? Cute, isn't it?


soakes's picture

Fantastic.  I love seeing silly-looking birds as they first come out.  Sadly, some of them don't make it :-(

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

GeorgeP's picture

A great privilege indeed, M-L. Great shots, as usual, and thanks for sharing your experience.


Melbourne, VIC

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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