I noticed this bird today, it looked so different to a normal Red-browed Firetail. I followed it around the property. It was the shape of a New Holland Honeyeater, the size, the tail and the way it flew. (I know one when I see one) But when I had a close look, I noticed that the head looks like a Red-browed Firetail. If you have a close look at the cheeks, it seemed to have a hint of the white cheeks a New Holland has. It also was much bigger than the other Firetails. You might think it looks wet, and could have had a bath. I followed this bird for ten minutes or more. It wasn’t wet. For some reason, if you have a close look , his chest is bold. Otherwise it seemed to be alright. Do you, like me, think this is a hybrid? Has anyone else seen one like this??
Nah, pure Red-browed Finch M-L. The fact that the feathers are wet will put you off.
That bare bit of skin is the brood patch that they use to keep the eggs warm when incubating during the breeding season. They usually keep it covered with the surrounding feathers.
Cheers, Owen.
Thanks so much Owen for giving me that information, especially about the bare skin being the brood patch to keep the eggs warm.You are simply great.
Thanks Owen, that's a reallly interesting piece of info about the brood patch.
Do you know if that is something common to many (all?) bird species or is it just particular species that have this?
Tim, you'll find that most birds have a brood patch.
Cheers, Owen.