Noisy Babies

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Araminta's picture
Noisy Babies

Two days ago Kathie and I went for a beautiful early morning walk at Lysterfield. We didn't see all that many birds, mainly because I talked too muchdevil, I don't know about Kathie, but I didn't get lots of great photos. There was a larger flock of Longbilled Corellas, but none of my photos is any good. I took lots of photos of 4 young Noisy Miners. They were so cute, but grey birds on a grey path don't make for good pics. I took those while I was waiting for Kathie. I'll post some anyway.

---'s picture

it's funny how you said when you look at a bird and then look at its feet it gives quite a different perspective,especially for these Miners

the last shot is definitely my favorite - nice shots

timmo's picture

Nice shots, Araminta.

I cracked it with one of these guys yesterday morning smiley

It was sitting on the verandah roof outside my bedroom window at 6am and just incessantly chirping for food. I ended up throwing a glass of water at them to move them on, then went back to sleep for a bit.

Then the excavator started with the ongoing demolition of the house next door at 7am, but they had permission. smiley


Araminta's picture

That makes mesmiley, I wish I could have seen itcrying. You'll have to go to bed early tonoght.


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