Great photos Matt. Aren't you glad you didn't step on them? I like the ones in the entrance to the nest. You could put the camera on a tripod, and just wait for the babies to come out. But don't fall asleep while you are waiting.
Great shots. We had pardolotes here regularly but I can't find their nest. One kept flying inside when we had our doors open. very difficult to get out when you have clerestory windows.
Good pics there , Matt
Great photos Matt. Aren't you glad you didn't step on them? I like the ones in the entrance to the nest. You could put the camera on a tripod, and just wait for the babies to come out. But don't fall asleep while you are waiting.
What great photos Matt! They are such beautiful little birds :)
Great series of shots, you are lucky to find them!!
Brisbane Northside
Nice shots of both the pardalotes & the Australian ground cover Tomb Thumb Dichondra repens around the nest hole.
Beautiful series! I love the fuzzy leap from the hollow opening.
Great shots. We had pardolotes here regularly but I can't find their nest. One kept flying inside when we had our doors open. very difficult to get out when you have clerestory windows.