Wow what a great week! I loved all the photos from last week - you are all amazing.
Lets keep up the challenge. I have a new staff member starting here today with Birds in Backyards who is filling in for Sara whilst she is on maternity leave. Welcome Monica! Monica has suggested the theme of this week - patterns. I think this one will be a nice challenge...
Bird's wings have some of the best patterns:
Yes Nathan, I think so too.
Eggs have beautiful patterns, there are Masked Lapwing babies trying to get out, you can see the little beak of one.
How is that for a pattern?
Araminta, you get the most amazing photos.
Selby, Victoria
I have a series of stripes, stripes in a crest, in feathers, in the bark of wood behind a bird and in bands of colour.
Selby, Victoria
Stunning patterns everyone!
Stunning patterns everyone!
This theme took a bit of a think: flight of Pelicans; Crested Pigeon wing; Australian Wood Duck (male) - their feathers fascinate me and the spread wings and tail pattern of a Western Gerygone.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Lovely photos, everyone!
This is my first post so hoping the upload is ok???
Female Koel in our backyard last month.
Cool! Not seen one of those birds before. What state is that in?
Selby, Victoria
I am in North Brisbane. I have seen 3 pairs of koels in our yard over the last 2 months. I love when they arrive in the Spring. They love the shade and fruit of our white mulberry tree. :-)
Nice one, Amson.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Amson, she's beautiful! We have a pair that visit regularly to whoop it up in our rainforest tree, but I rarely see them. Certainly never enough time to grab the camera.
Sorry guys I haven't got this week's challenge up yet - I will do it tomorrow I promise!
Some lovely photos - welcome to new members submitting to this section too
More patterns - love the lines in the wings as the bird passes over head.
Selby, Victoria