Is this an Egret or something else?

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kathiemt's picture
Is this an Egret or something else?

Seen at Lilydale Lake yesterday. It flew over me and it was huge. Trouble was I was looking the other way so missed seeing it coming otherwise I would have gotten a shot then. Lost opportunity sad

Araminta's picture

You are right Kathie, it is a Great Egret. I've never been to that lake, what's it like? Worth going there? (not that I'm going anywhere at the moment, no car. It'll take 8 weeks before I get it back. Parts have to come from the USA. Insurance only gives car for 5 days.)


kathiemt's picture

Yes, it's worth going there. A pain about your car, so sorry to hear that.

Once you've got wheels again, would be good to meet up there and go for a wander around.

Selby, Victoria

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