Eastern Whipbird

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pacman's picture
Eastern Whipbird

my birding drive today was to Boorganna Nature Reserve, via Comboyne via Wauchope, NSW

this is the best pic that I was able to get of this bird that always seems to be hiding from me or on the move


Araminta's picture

Great effort ! I have some next door in the bush. I can hear them, I have seen them, but still no photo. I think you did well, to get this photo.


clif2's picture

Peter good work here, I have stood right next to them in the dense cover that they like and waited patiently and they let you have a glimpse usually with a heap of cover between you and the bird, so very hard to get a clear shot. I had some recently try and ward off a marauding Goanna and all I got was a couple of photos of their bums, do you think they were telling me something. The new lens with the F2.8 aperture seems to be doing the trick for you in the gloomy shadows of the forest. I am waiting for a new F2 lens to clear through customs, can't wait to get it into the rainforest.



birdie's picture

I agree with everyone else that say well done. They are so hard to photograph at the best of times. Like the others.... I have stood right next to a pair calling to eachother from one side of my oath to the other and all I could get was a recording of sound and pictured of the undergrowth rustling as they ran along!!!  I do miss their sharp calls in the mornings in my new house, I can hear some further up the drain  at the back but they must be a fair way from me .

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Nice catch Peter, we have only seen one of these, but were not fast enough with the camera. 

pacman's picture

this pic was with the Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L as the walk through Boorganna Nature Reserve  is all downhill to the waterfall is all downhill to the waterfall and then, logically, all uphill back to the carpark and I didn't want to carry the 5kg 400mm prime 

I also used Av setting rather than Tv

I was so lucky with this pic - I was walking along the track and there was the Whipbird just off to the side  .................

Just joking - that is in my birding drive fantasy as I had all the difficulties that others have mentioned.

I was trying to get pics for at least 30 minutes, I took 42 pics and deleted 26 during my 1st review

the bird was moving from side to side in an arc of about 20 metres and giving me occasional glimpses

and then after about 30 minutes it must have tired of this fun and flew pver the path and down the hillside

another pic from yesterday with the bird very alert

and 3 file pics - 1) 1/11 Cambridge Plateau Rd, west of Casino, NSW 2) 8/11 Rocky Creek Dam, near Lismore, NSW and 3) 2/12 Lennox Head Heathland, near Ballina, NSW

one day I will get a very clear pic of an eastern Whipbird - if I just keep trying


Karen's picture

We hear these a lot in rainforest areas, but never see them.  You must have incredible patience to have been able to take these.

Brisbane southside.

clif2's picture

Good persistance Peter, you know what is going to happen now don't you, every time you are out and about and you hear the Whipbirds call you"re going to spend hours maybe, tracking it done marching all over the snake infestered scrub to try and get a good clear shot. The things we do.



pacman's picture

clif2 wrote:

marching all over the snake infestered scrub.

edit 'leech' in lieu of snake - yes, 2 a fortnight ago and 1 on the weekend just gone, I need new insect repellant


pacman's picture

a great New Year's Day for me with this (and many other) pic of an Eastern Whipbird 


matt's picture


Some fantastic shots, I found this little guy just on the side of my drive way whilst taking the rubbish up to the bins last month (shots aren't as good as yours I only have a little compact camera 


WendyK's picture

Well done, Peter (and Matt).  The photos all look good - even better on black (click on the photo to run slide show).

Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site


pacman's picture

thanks Wendy & Matt

Matt - aren't you lucky to have an EW living close by

I have had a look through my pics and thought that I would share 2 more, this was beside a gravel road and I was using my car as a blind


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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