This is the most intruging and irritating question for me because I really don't know how to correctly pronounce "Koel".
Is it "Coal-earl", or "Coo-eel"?
Lots of my friends don't know how to pronounce it either.
I really hope some of us can have an answer to this eon old mystery. Thanks!!!
(Rest assured I can sleep easy tonight because I remembered to ask this question xD)
I would pronounce it coe-ull, I think there are 2 syllables.
I've heard it as both "coe-ull" as Greg suggests, or "coe-ell".
At you can hear the pronunciation (in Americanese?).
I've always pronounced it koel as in Noel at Christmas.
Me too Woko
Holly does that mean you put the emphasis on the 2nd syllable, which is how I would say noel? (coe-ELLE) I would put the emphasis on the first syllable COE-ull, just my way of saying it.
I put the emphasis on the second syllable (coe-ELLE). I have heard both pronunciations used regularly though.
this is funny and serious. You know what I do, when I'm not sure how to pronounce a word? I spell it and ask people , how would you say it? (that's if I know how to spell it)
That's exactly how I used to pronounce it =D