Channel billed cuckoo

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pamd09's picture
Channel billed cuckoo

I'm quite excited about finding out I have cuckoos visiting, but the other birds aren't so keen (of course the mynas will pick on anyone).

Araminta's picture

Great photo, feeding or fighting?


pamd09's picture

I'm fairly sure the crows and mynas were chasing the cuckoo because of the ruckus they were all making. Although I did wonder if the crows may have raised the cuckoo as I'm fairly certain they were nesting about a month ago.  Intriguing!

Woko's picture

Did you mean mynas or miners, pam?

pamd09's picture

Hi Woko,

I would have sworn to the 'myna' but you have sent me back to my bird book and I see that a myna is a different bird entirely. So Noisy Miner it is!  thanks   

Woko's picture

No worries, pam. A little research can offer yield wonderful gems.

BajanAlan's picture

I love action shots

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