Hey everyone - first up - the toolbar should be back up ASAP - still have no idea why it decided to vanish. You can still upload photos directly to the site or write in image tags [ IMG ] [ / IMG ] (remove the spaces and put the link to the photo in between) edit - toolbar is back
This week your challenge is to post a photo that best captures the personality of the bird, its a bit of a tricky one I think but a challenge I hope you enjoy...
--9699 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Very nice shot rawshorty!
Selby, Victoria
Thank you Kathiemt, it is in my top 2
Shorty......Canon gear
"Is this the pose you wanted?"
And THAT'S what I think of photographers!!!!

Is the water deep there...?

These always have personality. I know some people hate them (particularly in the area where I live as they can make a nuisance of themselves) but I always find them comical to watch.
Selby, Victoria
Excellent shots from all and a lot of humour in the posts
Seagulls have a lot of personality
seagulls-0380 by rawshorty, on Flickr
seagulls fighting-0292 by rawshorty, on Flickr
seagull-6616 by rawshorty, on Flickr
seagull-6604 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Cheeky and Joyful
We always enjoy the antics of the Willie Wagtails.
This one stayed still long enough to get some photos.
They even ride the horses around here :)
It's always tempting to ascribe human characteristics to birds. Here's my yield to tempation:
Great photos everyone, I just love all of them.
Here is a bit of bad attitude.
No1: if you come any closer, I'll hit you...
No2: Yes? I'll sit on you, what are you going to do now?

please come baaaack, I want to be friends, don't leave, I miss you..
one to compliment Shorty's Silver Gulls. A bit more action

I love them all......my favourite bird with attitude is a wedgebill chimebell, but unfortuatley our photos are not quite good enough to put up......but i will work on that
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
It is not about having the best photo's Teresa, it is about sharing your passion.....post away
Shorty......Canon gear
I want to see the wedgebill chimebell
, I want to see it now
I haven't even heard of it before, I had to look it up.
As Shorty said, we are all passionate about birds. Go for it Teresa
Ok I will have to change the photo to a jpeg and I will post them tomorrow...not quite sure what I was calling him before..it has been a busy long week, but the chiming wedgebill is so cute so cheeky and incredibly shy, his song makes him sound like he is a long way away, so at first i would go hunting until i discovered they can be in a tree almost right next to you.........last week we found two having a dust bath in an area dug out by a red kangaroo, and when he moved out they jumped in, and while they were bathing there were a family of babblers next to them...I will post the phots tomorrow
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
Hey, did you say "personality"? We mightn't have tails yet, but boy do we have "personality". Just wait until we grow up
BTW, I just noticed, these photos were taken 3 years ago, with my old camera and a short lens. My very first bird photos,not that hot, but the birds are cute.
well here is our little wedgebells........the first phots we found him at a waterhole we found up the road, it was the first time we managed to capture him on camera(when our car arrives were we are and we dont have to rely on loan ones it will be good) and the second photo was taken in Shark Bay woeld heritage area, when we scared a big red kangaroo accidently and no sooner had he gone, i saw a scurry thro the bush, and we sat and watched they scuttled in and started bathing.........there were a family of babblers too.....they are in the corner, but to be able to watch the little fellas we had to stand stock still so they were taken from back a bit so we have had to crop it
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
I am sulking now, cause you didn't give me that last fish you caught!
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
or it might be a Shy Albatross
Thanks Peter, it certainly was not shy, either in actual species or attitude. Have posted some more, this one is a Buller's Albatross, a new species ID for me, but thinking back I have seen them before, just wrong ID
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks so much for posting those photos Teresa. I have never seen one before, and probabely never will? They do look a lot like our Eastern Whipbirds. I will have to find out what they sound like when I find the time. Don't stop posting, I can't wait to see more birds from up your way.
their song is beautiful,and it was that which attracted me to begin with in my search, he is very much like the whip bird..morcombe has a good call on his app and there is also one on youtube....while we were in shark bay we were also lucky enough to photograph a thick billed grass wren which is on the endangered list........
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
I just listened to the song, no wonder they call it Chiming Wedgebill. Although it is rather repetetive, it is also beautiful.
The Yellow Robins in my garden have loads of "personality"
Fantastic photos everyone - I have been smiling and laughing all the way through this thread