Wow, I have never seen a Pied Heron, had to look for them in my book. They are only found where you live.
I couldn't find any information about the difference between the sexes, do they look the same? If so, could they be performing some mating or courting ritual? Are they very common up there? My book tells me they are found near rubbish tips and sewage- works?
Wow, I have never seen a Pied Heron, had to look for them in my book. They are only found where you live.
I couldn't find any information about the difference between the sexes, do they look the same? If so, could they be performing some mating or courting ritual? Are they very common up there? My book tells me they are found near rubbish tips and sewage- works?
Great shots.
great pics - Pied heron is on my list to get
Your list is getting longer, Peter
Hi M-L
On sunset I saw thousands fly by. Photo is in sewarage-works.
Dont know about the sexes. But birds are always establishing pecking order.
Here is a video
yes, but it is Alan's fault as he keeps posting pics of birds that I have not yet seen.
Have u seen the Black-Fronted Dotterel
Are you asking Peter or me? I have seen many , like this one:
I saw 2 this morning. Facinating eyes
Yes, isn't it amazing what nature comes up with, and the way colours are combined?