Hey gang
This week's theme is another one that has been done before why not do it again, everyone loves parrots
Just a heads up too (as most of you pop into this thread). I am here, there and everywhere this week so while I have email access, I might not get back to you immediately - I will do my best though.
One of my old ones,a Rainbow lorikeet:
Red-rumped Parrot, photo taken at Albert Park Lake (Melbourne)
Musk Lorikeet, somewhere in Mornington (Victoria)

......and their very cute and fluffed up juvenile.
Rainbow Lorrikeet in our Yard
female king parrot at the bunya mountains
pale headed rosella on our fence
Crimson Rosella at the Bunya Mts
A pair of Eastern Rosellas
Great photos from everyone.
Here is my favourite couple, Frankie and Janet
, feasting in my (non native trees)

love all the pics great shots love looking at all the birds
A cute couple of Galahs having a cuddle.

One angry looking Little Corella. He just opened his eyes saying: P...ss off, I want to sleep

......and one Long-billed Corella.
(come on people post some of your photos, otherwise I will post more , and bore you to death
Well i went through my archives and picked out these photo's that i took with my 350D and 90-300 non is lens.
Shorty......Canon gear
Nothing fancy from me but I do have ALOT of lorikeet pictures, here are some I think are post worthy.. must admit 90% of my lorry pics are at meal time lol
Green Rosella -endemic to Tasmania
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Some favourite parrot pics from my collection.
Magnificent Mallee Ringneck near Pink Lake in Sunset NP
Rainbow Lorikeets - Victoria Point Qld
Pale Headed Rosella - Vicoria Point Qld
Little Corella - Victoria Point Qld
Note the curled up toe in the second picture - "That's the spot, more, MORE!"
Sulphur crested Cockatoos - Victoria Point Qld
& that's all I have time for this morning.
So many photos, so much editing to do - serves me right for taking so many pics.
Definitely an addiction, these beautiful creatures called birds
How good are those Photos? There are some I haven't seen yet, like the Pale-headed Rosella and a Ringneck., and the Green Rosella.
But the photo of the Cockatoo with the butt in his beak, makes me want to cry and get angry. What a sad lot humans are? How dare we do this to our wildlife? Cigarett buts are one of the worst litter in the environment.
and a Long-billed Corella from me.
two Yellow-tailed Black cockatoos in my garden.

A couple of Gang-gangs
Shorty......Canon gear
You reminded me of the Gang Gangs that used to come to my place for a drink, haven't seen them for some time. They are very shy. Here is a boy and girl having a drink.
one more Red-rumped Parrot.
One i have not worked out yet?
And one i know
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty, I think the bird you are looking for is a female Red-rumped Parrot.
Thanks M-L.
Shorty......Canon gear
Look what I found yesterday!
Budgerigar, Victoria Point, Qld
Almost missed it - camouflage very good and the bird moved around quite slowly compared to the wrens who advertise their presence by their fast flitting around (and their constant chatter)
cockatoo this morning in a neigbours tree
the female from a different angle.
Work has been very busy and I've not been able to get here for weeks. Here are a few of the parrot shots I have.
Selby, Victoria
First post here, thought I'd add a couple of shots I got recently, while attempting to take shots of birds in flight.
A Gang-Gang Cockatoo, and a pair of Galahs:
great shots there, Zaph .
all the pics of all the different parrots are amazing they are sure beautiful birds
Nice ones, Zaph. The question has just popped into my brain (just enough room for it): Do galahs in pairs, or flocks for that matter, fly synchronistically as yours seem to be doing, Zaph?
A bit late...
Fantastic Michael, the colours there are just beautiful!