Grey Fantail

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Araminta's picture
Grey Fantail

Just a few minutes ago, my fingers started to itch a bit, I hadn't taken any photos all daycrying

Couldn't find much though, and just when I was going inside again, I saw three Grey Fantails in a tree. Yee haw, lots of photos in my camerayes

I'll post some now, but should you get bored and want to see more of them, I'm willing to shareheart

narly's picture

very goodly , everytime i see them them they're constantly on the move.


Annie W
Annie W's picture

narly wrote:

very goodly , everytime i see them them they're constantly on the move.

Aren't they just, busy little devils - you never know which way they're going to flit next!

Gorgeous shots.

West Coast Tasmania

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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