Greetings everyone. I am back on deck after a massive week of travelling. This week's challenge is titles 'Out of Place'. Where have to captured a photo of a bird that looks like it doesn't belong there. Think about birds who are in a habitat they wouldn't normally use or using a habitat feature that is out of character...
This might be a challenging one!
I have posted this before but it fits the theme
Shorty......Canon gear
I was waiting for that one Shorty
, I love the reflection in the water, well done
Here are some of mine. White-browed Scrub- wren hitching a ride to the shops.
And Pelican hard at work.

it was a bit foggy at the Treatment Plant that day, so he didn't go to work. (no, sorry just not a good photo, but funny)
I spotted this Laughing Kookaburra in a palm tree in a yard next to a busy road. Not a place I would have thought one of these guys would chill out
Thanks M-L, the Pelican is having a toilet break by the looks of that box
These two are out of place, they should not be in Australia
Shorty......Canon gear
Used for the entertainment of the tourists. At first glance they look fine, but to me they are "out of place". You will find them at Sanremo, sitting on the beach, waiting for the guy with the bucket filled with fish. They don't even move away from that spot, they just sit and wait, while hundreds of tourists stare at them and take photos, and kids chase them .Very sadly out of place.

I'm sure that one was taken through a flyscreen M-L
Or in a very heavy rainstorm....
Haha Tim, I will remember that excuse ,the next time I post a bad photo
Out of place in time being a Night Heron.
A beautiful Red Wattlebird, eating something even I wouldn't eat, thrown on the ground and smashed burgers. Taken in a car park, you know where? That is sadly out of place

"Out of Place"
? Sorry, they haven't got one, they can do "it" where ever they like

This is gorgeous! Once in a lifetime shot!
Out of home
. I was standing under the tree when this Magpie fledgling dropped out of the nest, right onto the road. It looked so “out of place’, staring at the bleak and grey road , that would most likely be home for the rest of its life? I took a few photos, before I was attacked by some very protective parents.