Here is a photo of the female, taken a few days ago. At the moment they are not that coloured, you should see them when they are courting. I will have to take some photos for you when the time comes.
My Simpson & Day guide says that the Common Bronzewing is 28-36 cm. My National Geographic guide for N America says that your Red-billed Pigeon is 37 cm. So the tug-of-war would be fairly close
Fabulous photo M-L, I have yet to see one of these.
I can certainly see where they get the name for these gorgeous birds, definitely glittering bronze tones in the wing
Here is a photo of the female, taken a few days ago. At the moment they are not that coloured, you should see them when they are courting. I will have to take some photos for you when the time comes.
Is this a species of dove? Doves in Texas look very similar.
As far as I know Rich,the Bronzewing is a medium sized pigeon.
Beautiful colours!
Pigeons & doves make up the family Columbidae
My Simpson & Day guide says that the Common Bronzewing is 28-36 cm. My National Geographic guide for N America says that your Red-billed Pigeon is 37 cm. So the tug-of-war would be fairly close