Hey gang - lets do the opposite of last week's theme. Instead of portraits, lets look at birds in landscapes...
Here is my first one
sunrise-4782 by rawshorty, on Flickr">sunrise-4782 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Osprey Denmark W.A.: Landscape
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Osprey Creery Wetlands W.A. Landscape
Now a slighty different landscape: if thats what you could call it !!!!!!!Welcome Swallows, Gwelup W.A. Landscape
Red-tailed Black Cockatoos flying over my front yard W.A.
Nankeen Night Heron. Lake Monger W.A.
Eurasian Coot and chicks. Herdsman, W.A.
Cockatoo taking off from the horse paddock
Pied Comorant . Tim's Ticket W.A.
purple swamphen walking around the wetlands at Arkarra Tea Gardens at Hervey bay
My favourite landscape, the Western Treatment Plant . All birds should live in a paradise like this one
This is where I am , when I talk to you guys, my landscape. (You can see my driveway in the front)
sorry, forgot about the birds.....they are in there, trust me. Hard to find? Not really, you just have to stand still for long enough.
Goolwa, at the mouth of the Murray River in SA.
Another one from Goolwa, SA. (December 2012)
Sorry I haven't been around for weeks. Been very busy.
I wasn't sure if you mean landscape mode for images of birds, or images of birds with landscapes in the photos
But I think the latter seeing what has been posted here.
KathiemtSelby, Victoria
Cassowary on the beach - Etty Bay Qld
A couple more of the same bird
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
This is where I am , when I talk to you guys, my landscape.
Lucky you! No wonder you get such a lovely range of wet forest birds at your place. :)
Cheers Tim Brisbane
Egret, but which one? Cygnet Coastal Reserve 50klm from Hobart Tas. Could not get closer without leaving the formed path.
Tasmanian Native Hens - endemic, Cygnet Coastal Reserve.
Egret, but which one?
If you had this in the 'Identifications' section I would look at the neck length in relation to the body length and suggest that it is a Great Egret
but then you don't have it in IDs
Dirty landscape AKA the rubish tip
dwatsonbb wrote:Egret, but which one?If you had this in the 'Identifications' section I would look at the neck length in relation to the body length and suggest that it is a Great Egretbut then you don't have it in IDs
I'm certain it's A great Australian Egret, You can even see the kink in it's neck.
A very "sticky"(and slightly noisy) landscape:
My view this morning at Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, WA. Eastern Great Egrets in the middle there.
Wendy Mandurah, WA Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
A few shots from today at Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve Canberra.
ducks-5236 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] ducks-5236 by rawshorty, on Flickr
ducks-5152 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] ducks-5152 by rawshorty, on Flickr
ducks-5078 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] ducks-5078 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty, you've got almost every species of duck there on the one log! Well lots, anyway.
That's where we went today, Swan Lake on Phillip Island (Vic).Saw some ducks that are missing on your log Shorty. Spotted quite a few Freckled Ducks.
There actually 3 different logs. Have not looked them up yet but sure were a few different ones there, but no Freckled.
Here is one more from me, there is one gull up the back near one of the 100+ seals.
Montague Island-4853 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Montague Island-4853 by rawshorty, on Flickr
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Here is my first one
Shorty......Canon gear
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Now a slighty different landscape: if thats what you could call it !!!!!!!
Welcome Swallows, Gwelup W.A. Landscape
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Cockatoo taking off from the horse paddock
Pied Comorant . Tim's Ticket W.A.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
purple swamphen walking around the wetlands at Arkarra Tea Gardens at Hervey bay
My favourite landscape, the Western Treatment Plant . All birds should live in a paradise like this one

This is where I am , when I talk to you guys
, my landscape. (You can see my driveway in the front)
sorry, forgot about the birds.....they are in there, trust me. Hard to find? Not really, you just have to stand still for long enough.
Goolwa, at the mouth of the Murray River in SA.
Another one from Goolwa, SA. (December 2012)
Sorry I haven't been around for weeks. Been very busy.
I wasn't sure if you mean landscape mode for images of birds, or images of birds with landscapes in the photos
But I think the latter seeing what has been posted here.
Selby, Victoria
Cassowary on the beach - Etty Bay Qld
A couple more of the same bird
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Lucky you! No wonder you get such a lovely range of wet forest birds at your place. :)
Egret, but which one? Cygnet Coastal Reserve 50klm from Hobart Tas.

Could not get closer without leaving the formed path.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Tasmanian Native Hens - endemic, Cygnet Coastal Reserve.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania
If you had this in the 'Identifications' section I would look at the neck length in relation to the body length and suggest that it is a Great Egret
but then you don't have it in IDs
Dirty landscape AKA the rubish tip
I'm certain it's A great Australian Egret, You can even see the kink in it's neck.
A very "sticky"(and slightly noisy) landscape:
My view this morning at Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, WA. Eastern Great Egrets in the middle there.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
A few shots from today at Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve Canberra.
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty, you've got almost every species of duck there on the one log! Well lots, anyway.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
That's where we went today, Swan Lake on Phillip Island (Vic).Saw some ducks that are missing on your log Shorty. Spotted quite a few Freckled Ducks.

There actually 3 different logs. Have not looked them up yet but sure were a few different ones there, but no Freckled.
Here is one more from me, there is one gull up the back near one of the 100+ seals.
Shorty......Canon gear