After my last visit I headed back to Eagleby Wetlands in hopes to find a Royal Spoonbill, Wandering whistling ducks and a few more BOP to add to my list. What was meant to be mostly sunny day turned into me dashing back to the bird hide for cover from the rain! Also using a DSLR for the first time most of the pictures are not post worthy . thankfully the sun did pop out a few times and I got my wish!!!!
Not a bad day then, was it? I like the Whistling Duck photo, I'm a sucker for reflections.
(You might have noticed the round spots in the sky of photo No3? Don't think they are UFO Could be some dust stuck to your sensor, that's where I had some dirt?Could be on the lens? or mirror? Take some more photos of the sky, if they are still in the same spot, it will have to be cleaned)
Yes I have to agree with M-L, I love the Whistling duck /s picture too . I just realised there is actually two in the photo, must need glasses this morning !!!!!!!!!! I am envious as I need a Royal Spoonbill and Whistling Duck to mark off my list, glad you got your wish !!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Thanks Araminta and shoop. I'm so glad I went back, last time it was egrets and pacific blacks mainly with a few egrets and hard heads but this time I got an extra 6 odd species
Araminta - I noticed them also, I wont dare go anywhere past the lens though so I'm looking for a good place to get it cleaned