Pacman in Canberra

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rawshorty's picture
Pacman in Canberra

It was a Canberra weekend for Peter so we planned a birding day for today.

Peter wanted to go to the Botanical Gardens, so being a good host i agreed to his request, even though i knew Jerra Wetlands were full of Raptors lately.

Well after hours of getting pictures of birds i see everyday and constantly having to stop while Peter talked to the locals and showed off his camera and lens we stopped for lunch.

After a great meal we set of to look for more birds, but i was itching to get some Raptors so i pleaded to Peter that we go to the wetlands. After much debate he finally agreed.

We just got out of the car at the wetlands when a fellow birder i know (Ian) arrived and started boasting about how many Raptors were around this morning and showed us pics of a Little Eagle he got, well Peter got all excited now and really wanted one.

So after a walk around the ponds and sitting in one of the hides waiting for Raptors to come to us (and Peter showing his gear off to Ian) i convinced Peter to come for a walk to an other section i frequent looking for Raptors.

Well not 50 metres along the treck we came across a Nankeen Kestrel who was sitting in a small  tree so we started to take pics

Nankeen Kestrel-9523 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Nankeen Kestrel-9523 by rawshorty, on Flickr

After a lots of picture taking i suggested we keep going further to see what else we could find and not much further down we spotted a pair of Whistling Kites harrasing an other Raptor, well we were not sure what the other Raptor was so went for a closer look.

We could not believe our luck, it was a Little Eaglesmiley So we crept closer to get some pics.

Little Eagle-9695 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little Eagle-9695 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Little Eagle-9749 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little Eagle-9749 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Little Eagle-9750 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little Eagle-9750 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Not long after these shots a Whistling Kite did a fly by.

Whistling Kite-9722 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Whistling Kite-9722 by rawshorty, on Flickr

The moral to the story? Not matter how much you want to be a good host take your guest to the best birding spotswink

Seriously though had a great day, thanks Peter.

dwatsonbb's picture

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Glad you both had a great day, and put up some great shots.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Araminta's picture

I want one!! A Canberra weekend, that iswink , you have so many great birds up there. Those photos are amazing, I'd do almost anythingblush, to get photos that good.

Can't wait to see Peter's photos.


pacman's picture

LOL, I need to get my recorder sorted so that I have some factual evidence next time;    you forgot to mention the 2 ladies we met who saw the Pink Robin 2 weeks ago (but we didn't today); or the chap that we also met who saw the Crescent Honeyeater on Thursday (but we didn't today); I am very pleased with the Little Eagle as it is the 1st new species for my list since Cocoparra NP, near Griffth 2 months ago 


dicutting10's picture

Hi after seeing the photos taken at the Jerra Wetlands I persuaded my husband to come with me on Tuesday morning.  Of course it was the coldest foggiest morning we have had so far this winter but I was not deterred as I was sure I was going to get some great shots of rapters.  To begin with you could hardly see your hand in front of your face, but after an hour or so, walking in the wet grass, the only birds I saw was a number of wrens and an unhappy magpie.  Later on the sun came out and I was excited to see a couple of New Holland honey eaters and a butcher bird.  Did not see one raptor, so will have to go back again.. What is the best time to go? - Diane

windshear's picture

Fantastic photos as always, Shorty. :)

I loveeee raptors. :)

rawshorty's picture

dwatsonbb........ Thanks, Dale. It was a great day out and we both got a new bird with the Little Eaglesmiley


Araminta............Thanks, M-L. I am sure there would be somewere near you to find all these Raptors, and i am sure your pics would

turn just as good if not betterwink. Yes where are Peters pics, i guess we will have to wait.


pacman.............A good reporter never lets the facts get in the way of a good storylaugh


dicutting10........Hi, Diane. They are around off and on all day, so just go out after lunch when it is warmer and more pleasant to spend a couple of hours there. The big trick is not to look for the little birds and just look up and around for the raptors.

I see them a lot in the paddock between the sewage works and Canturf, after parking your car walk back to the road and continue north down the road and look in the trees to the east in this padock. There is a fence along the road and heading north you will come to a set of double gates, just a little further north the barbed wire has been twisted around the second wire so you can step over the fence and go into the paddock to get closer to the Raptors.

Good luck and just keep going out till you get them.


windshear.......Thank you very much, i love Raptors too. Are my photos good enough to convince you that the Sigma 150-500 is a good lens?

Shorty......Canon gear


Araminta's picture

You said:

Araminta............Thanks, M-L. I am sure there would be somewere near you to find all these Raptors, and i am sure your pics would

As soon as it gets a bit warmer today, we will be off to the Treatment Plantlaugh, there will be Raptors. I find them very hard to take photos of, unless they sit somewhere and eat their prey. Your BOP photos are always great.


windshear's picture

Shorty - fair point. :D

I saw a Whistling Kite today when I was out and about, but it got harassed & chased by a half-dozen crows and beat it. >_< Inconsiderate crows. I love little birds a great deal, but there's something very special about a bird of prey. :)

shoop's picture

Congrats Shorty and Peter....outstanding photos Shorty...we are now all hanging to see Peter's photos too. Love your story telling Shorty you gave me a few chuckles !!!

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

rawshorty's picture

Thanks, Shoop. Glad you enjoyed the photos and story. I must say i was having a chuckle writing itlaugh

Shorty......Canon gear


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Outstanding - what a rewarding day for both of you!  Love the story too rawshorty, I'm with shoop, had a few chuckles to myself also.  Bet you're glad you "won" in the end, and I'm going to guess perhaps Peter is too wink

West Coast Tasmania

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