Eastern Crimson Rosella moulting

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Araminta's picture
Eastern Crimson Rosella moulting

I have moved this post, if anybody can answer the question, that would be great?

Moult and Plumages of Eastern Rosellas Platycercus eximius E Wyndham, JLG Brereton and RJS Beeton Emu 83(4) 242 - 246

Published: 1983 Abstract Adult Eastern Rosellas have a single post-breeding moult each year, from December to May. This moult is complete except in some bids, mostly females, that defer moult of outer primaries until the following year. Birds fledge in juvenile plumage, pass into pre-adult plumage when two to six months old with a moult of the head and body feathers and pass into adult plumage when twelve to eighteen months old with a complete moult.

Replacement of primaries starts with middle primaries and progresses inwards and outwards from this focus. Average duration of primary moult is 114 days

I need help , the Rosellas in my photos (taken this morning) are at what stage? Or are they just looking "shaggy"?

Araminta's picture

I know I posted this photo beforewink, but going by the CSIRO research,  how old is this one?


Woko's picture

The only moult I have any real knowledge of goes into milk shakes, Araminta, but from my limited knowledge here are my guesses:

#1 & 2 adults in post breeding moult

#3 adult in following year

#4 juvenile about 5 months old

Somebody with moulting expertise might add accuracy.

Araminta's picture

Thanks Woko for at least answering to my questionyes. I was hoping more people would have some ideas? I'm still waiting.


pacman's picture

M-L, the study that you referenced is of Eastern Rosellas and your pics are of Crimson Rosellas; did the study imply that the findings were for the 'Rosella - Platycercus' family or just the 'Eastern Rosella - Platycercus eximius' species?


Araminta's picture

Here is what it said Peter:

Moult and Plumages of Eastern Rosellas Platycercus eximius E Wyndham, JLG Brereton and RJS Beeton Emu 83(4) 242 - 246

but I'll have another look. Very busy at the moment, my husband tried to connect a new tap in the kitchen, but when he walked to the other side of the paddock to turn the water back on, some valve blew off and the kitchen lookscrying like a swimming pool now.

Back later, have to kleen up.


Araminta's picture


hope this link works? My PC is chucking a wobbely againcrying


Araminta's picture


hope this link works? My PC is chucking a wobbely againcrying


Woko's picture

Nasty business, Araminta, especially in this cold, wet weather. I trust you've renewed the ban on duck hunting in your kitchen.

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