Grey Fantail

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laza's picture
Grey Fantail

Clicked this bold little fella this afternoon out near Capel W.A

About 10 minutes later when I had put the camera away he dived into bushes and started alarm cry next moment a Goshawk or Collared sparrowhawk just flew along the firebreak about 5 metres off the ground at a terrific speed

Elsie's picture

Lovely! Great job Laza, I find it hard to get these fellows sitting still!

windshear's picture

Definitely one of my favourite little birds. They do kind of define perpetual motion.

Araminta's picture

I love their huge eyes. Nice one lazayes

That reminds me, I haven't seen one of these at my place yet eithercrying. They'll turn up, I'm sure.


Lachlan's picture

Wonderful to see a picture see a picture where the Fantail is standing still! All those fantails seems to be hyperactive. 

windshear's picture

They do occasionally sit still, long enough to scold you and give you a piece of their mind.

laza's picture

windshear wrote:

They do occasionally sit still, long enough to scold you and give you a piece of their mind.

LOL that's exactly what he was doing and I finally got that shot after three visits and about fifteen shots

It's funny how I can hike for hours through the bush and not get a shot and yet can be parked in rest area next to a paddock for 10 minutes and come home very happy

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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