Cape Barren Goslings

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Araminta's picture
Cape Barren Goslings

Finally some sunshine, so we decided to drive all the way to Phillip Island to see if we would find any baby Silver Gulls. Too early for them to breedcrying.

But we found some gorgeous Cape Barren Geese and lots of little Goslings. Hope you like them as much as we did?

cassie.c87's picture

Awe they are soo cute and fluffy!! I can't wait to see some babies heart

Elsie's picture

Ohhhhhhhh! They are the cutes thingsheart I wish I was there!

Well done M-L!

Araminta's picture

Thanks cassie and Elsie, to me they are very special.

As I said in the other post, how many people further north have seen Cape Barren Geese around? Am I wrong in thinking they are not that common up north, and you all go: how boring, just some geese?

Tell me that I'm wrongcrying, I will gladly accept it.


rawshorty's picture

Araminta wrote:

 how boring, just some geese?

Tell me that I'm wrongcrying, I will gladly accept it.

Your wrong, they are not boring but they are cutesmiley

Explanation in your other post.

Shorty......Canon gear


windshear's picture

Impossibly cute! :)

Fluffy babies are just the hardest thing to focus on. -_-

I love the first pic. Just seems as proud as punch. And I can imagine the one in the last pic saying "Yesss mum..."

Lachlan's picture

They're even more cute than baby Emus, and that's an achievement!

I've never seen any Cape Barren Geese (adult or young), they're not found in NSW commonly. So why would I go 'boring!'?

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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