Go for it ,ill take any help i can get ,im 51 and only picked up a camera for the first time about 12 months ago ,,,, any tips i would be most greatfull ....Cheers
Can I make a suggestion please? Could you take this discussion over to :” Photography tips and tricks”? I would have loved to post some photos in this section under “Best Photos” Thanks
Which would I rather have on the wall? Dunno, as they are both really nice photos. To me though, it seems like in the processed one, the bird is just a tad too yellow. This only probably annoys me because I can tell it has been fiddled with due to the halo around the eagle, which makes my mind go: 'Hang on, that yellow must be faked as well', regardless of what colour the bird was. Without the halo, I probably wouldn't mid, as my mind would probably go 'That photo was taken in late afternoon, due to the colours'
With a dark bird against a light sky you need to overexpose for starters. This is especially true if you use evaluative/matrix metering where the camera reads the entire scene, not just the bird in which instance you have a nice sky and dark (too dark) bird. You generally need to blow out the sky to maintain any detail in the bird at all. The sensor has a limited dynamic range and simply cannot capture too dark and too bright at once without compromising the quality of either tonality. Can you please share the full frame shot, no cropping applied,and all other capture details? Camera, lens, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, metering mode etc...
Thanks for all your comments .. iv got my sons camera i upgraded his to a nikon 7000 and i took his d3100 so it was taken with that with a 300 mm lense on sports mode dont know the other stuff yet ,and the bottom one is the photo thats how close i was .We are going away for a week in late spring so he is goin to try and teach me a bit then .
Yer Lachlan just above my head ....Here is 2 more of the same bird ....all feel free to play with them ... show me what anybody can do ... cheers..... i dont have photo shop i only use windows live photo gallery....
Yep thats right ... needed something to do seeing i didnt have my son every weekend , so got his old camera and went at it ... and i love it dont no what im doin but thats ok its just fun walkin through the bush trying to get that good shot ....And thanks Elsie for your kind words
personally the one I would hang on the wall is the one shorty edited, you did a fantastic job capturing the bird and although the original seems to always win favourite on here there is nothing wrong with having an artsy version for other places and private.. well i wouldn't mind seeing more here anyway, maybe another section for edited photos wouldn't hurt so to not offend others?
Sorry, have had a bad week & seems my head is still on backwards as a result (have been going through "new posts" backwards and answering old ones accidentally tonight), so I think I may have answered this question in your original post. Down to personal taste (again) & what you wanted to particularly look at on your wall IMO. If I was after a beautiful Wedgie that I, and anyone else, could see was a Wedgie, then Shorty's version. If I was after something more abstract or different, your first one Besty.
edited to add: Great in flight shots by the way, very jealous - BIF are not my forte, but I'm practising, practising
cool Shorty ....i checked out your site love the photos .... my 19 year old son is not to bad at it ,he loves it ....he took photos at the rodeo last year, i love this one ,its not the best pic but he got him just right ....lots of air .... it will be good to see what he can do with his new camera next year ..... and one he captured at a friends wedding...
I agree with Cassie , I would love to see a section for EDITED photos !! I don't like to edit photos either as a rule , especially birds ones, but I have played with a few and it is fun and you do get some great results . I don't see the harm in it as long as it is stated that it has been edited in some way. I say bring it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are two examples i have done with the orginal first followed by the edited done in photoshop. Nothing too dramatic but does give the photo a different feel.
Yes it does look different shoop, I like both originals a lot better. In the first one the duck has some natural colours in it. The second one of the duck is just shades of "grey". Unless that was your aim?
There is some reflection of the sun in the first one, that makes the duck look alive. The second one looks like a dead duck without much expression to me.
I also think, the challenge in photography is to get a better photo every time you take one. Unless it would be a rare bird, and there was only one chance to ever get another shot, yes it could be worth a try? But neither a Silver gull, nor a Pacific Black Duck is that rare, so I would try harder next time I'd see one. But that's me
I couldn't resist to post one photo of a Silver Gull I took. It is as it came out of the camera. The photo is uncropped and has nothing done to it, only put my name on it.
I think it depends on what your trying to achieve, do you want the finished photo to look like art or as life like as possible either is fine it just depends on what you want from your photos.
I use photoshop almost every day but I try to use it to make my photos look more natural or to remove destracting or unwanted elements.
Araminta I think you and I like many others belonging to the "old school" film days and would like our photos to look their best straight out of the camera and even though your photos are outstanding I think most digital photos can benefit from a bit of P/P tweeking.
I now overexpose my photos very slightly thanks in part to a post by dna1972 on exposing to the right or ETTR this brought about a immediate improvement in the look of my bird photos by bringing out highlights and detail that had been lost before.
My son (an artist and expert at photoshop)is always at me to try and embrace new technology and change my ways of doing things instead of resisting and trying to stick with what I know .
Its easy for him he got his first computer at the age of 8 at that age I was still fascinated by my lego and marcarno set !
Imperfections and flaws add to the character of a photo. Just like in portraiture, lines and wrinkles, light and I do understand what you are saying sparrow. If you have a look at my photo of the Silver Gull, to me it is sharp, so doesn’t need any more sharpening. Yes, it has shadows under the chin (beak) and in front of the eye, but if you would remove those, the photo would lose depth, to me it would then just look flat and without any expression. Then there is the shadow of the eyelid, that belongs there as well. All those elements contribute to depict the character of the bird and bring it to life. As the bird in my photo (the Silver Gull) is just a portrait and the bird is not engaged in any action, the light and dark parts are needed in my view, otherwise it would simply be a lifeless , expressionless photo. So, what could be done to it, to improve the photo? shade are an important element of expression.
Thankyou Sparrow ..... sometimes it is hard to express ones self but i think you have made the point I was trying to make . Araminta is set on ''original '' is the best and that is entirely fine but I have to agree with Sparrow we aren't out to get the best in clarity or the closest, sharpest or even the natural colours. There is so much more to capture even if is a common bird, ah la Silver Gull or Pacific Black Duck .Capture it doing something a little bit different , we have both posted a Silver Gull in a portrait position and as much as it does show all those characteristics Araminta has mentioned (which don't get me wrong) I love to be able to get that clarity and sharpness I think if we all went for that it would be boring !!!!!!!! I think Araminta is missing the point we are trying to make here. It is not about improving the photo at all ..far from it ....it is just personal choice of what one sees or wants to see, whether it be artistic , natural or even absract. Thats why I posted the two photos, one original and one that had been edited. I'm not aiming for those natural things that Araminta mentioned when I edit a photo .Whether the duck looks alive or dead I am concentrating on more of the mood (or personal expression), then the visual . But i suppose we could share our personal opinions all day long . End of the story is ''personal choice'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoop ....here hear ..... but i do think a lot is to do with the camera and lenses being used ...Araminta your photos are beautiful , they are clear and sharp and dont need a thing doing to them , but no matter how i try my 7 year old secondhand camera and my one lens [300mm] just cannot take photos like yours and a lot of them would need help to put on here , but i am getting better at taking photos as i learn more about where to have the light and a bit more about the camera settings and i should be a lot better at it by the time i can save up enough money to buy a nice new camera [ one day].....Cheers
Thanks shoop, I am not missing any point, no need to put that many of those !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here.
I have no intention to enter into any discussion about Art, (although I do feel tempted to talk about it, seeing I have just a "tiny bit" of background in the field of modern Art)
I should never have entered into this discussion in the first place, seeing I'm the first one to admit , I know nothing about photography,
I wish you the best in achieving your personal goal in the Art of Photography,what ever that might be.
Comes back again to our own personal opinions, and I don't think anyone is trying to upset anyone, just seeking opinions from others. I have said it before and now say it again, this forum is about putting your own best work forward, and if others don't like your work, or don't want to offer comment, then that is fine. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what some love, others will not like. Seems sometimes opinions expressed here are taken a bit too personally. We all should present our work the way we enjoy it, and not be too hung up on the opinions of others. Don't hold back your photos, because in your own opinion, they are not as good as other members. If i have 1 frustration forum, it is about people who continually apologise for the quality of their work. My photos are average, I have equipment that I can afford, but even if I had top of the range, my shaky hands and poor eyesight will prevent me from achieving perfect results, but I am happy, and enjoy participating in this forum.
If you don't want open and honest discussion, and are not prepared to listen to others opinions, then you should not ask for comments on personal preference.
..... but i do think a lot is to do with the camera and lenses being used ...
I disagree , it’s not the equipment you have, it’s what you do with it. I have a much shorter lens than most other people on this forum, there are many other factors that are important. One is to see what a good composition is, and getting as close as you can to the birds, those kind of things.
Neither is it how expensive your camera is. Only three years ago, all I had was a little camera I bought at "Aldi"for $ 78, took some interesting photos back then, should post some one day.
Trust me, I have met some people with Canon Cameras and lenses worth thousands of dollars, they did countless courses on how to use manual settings, but I have yet to see any great photos they have taken I have met groups of members of Photography Clubs taking photos in Parks. They carried backpacks full of stuff, by the time they put their gear into action I was going home after I had a few hundred photos in my bag.
I wouldn't worry about your 7 year old camera, i'm sure you will be able to take great photos , looking forward to see some.
With white birds it's best to photograph early or late in the day when the sun is low, so the whites don't burn out. It's also good to photograph white birds during overcast days. Bright light and white tones don't make good combinations. Photoshop cannot "better" a white bird photographed under bright sun that result in washed out whites. Of course if the person is happy with that then that's fine.
There adage that the person using the equipment is far more important than the equipment itself is very true, however, having the right equipment makes the photographer's task easier. It is far easier (though still very hard) to photograph a bird with say 700mm focal length than 300mm due to the lens' magnification factor. Although, longer lenses don't give you a guaranteed success rate without practice and more practice. Handholding them is also not everyone's cup of tea or is outside their ability.
Being able to stay further away, outside the bird's comfort zone, also means you can have more opportunities that you can turn into successful photographs. The closer you get the more you would generally stress the birds. Though in someone's own garden the birds will likely get used to that person and be more approachable than the same species of birds in the wild that are not used to someone always poking around with a camera. So the challenges remain for many people, for probably most. So longer lenses mean better opportunities.
I do agree that old cameras are fine. Older models are as awesome and useable today as they were many moons ago when the masses had to buy the latest and greatest camera yet again. They could create awesome photos years ago, why should they not do the same today? The number of megapixels is irrelevant, but many people seem to love the "cropability" of the newer 22-38 megapixel cameras. I always strive to create the final image as close to as possible in camera so I don't have to crop anything at all, or just a very little bit.
Gooday Dna 1972 thanks for the tips mate ,i shall start putting them into practise ,might even get a lend of my soms 600mm lens ,seeing i brought it for him ..... Thanks mate cheers
I think I completely understand what shoop was saying. Never did she say, that I can see, "lets edit our photo's and call that photography. Editing, post-processing, photo manipulation, enhancing.......call it what you like, but none of those actions are actually the act of "photography" - i.e. picking up a camera & taking a photo - and I don't think anyone has implied they are. To me, they are a completely separate form of art implemented after the act of the art of photography, if you like. So, correct me if I am wrong shoop , but you were referring to altering a photo for it to purposely become a visually different/additional art form that the creator has in mind?
As far as your altered photo's go shoop, I'm not quite sure about the duck. Although I actually quite like the B&W version, but it needs something in the tones or highlights...but that's just my eyes/opinion too, it's what YOU want to see that matters .
DNA has explained the whites and the whys & what times of day far better than I ever could. The white in your altered gull shot, and also in M-L's gull shot, both look blown out from behind the eyes over the rest of the bird. So while they're both beautiful shots, most of the feather detail is lost in the blowout. So definitely like your original gull better. But again, that is just my eyes, my opinion - one of hundreds I'm sure . And if you ask me can I practice what I say? No, I still blow out whites all the time. For me I find it difficult to get that balance, but still learning & practising!
I have a gull example I hope you don't mind me sharing, one of the first I ever took with my old DSLR, that is probably the exact opposite of blowing out whites. Apart from the blowout starting over the top of the head, the rest is probably too undexposed, not my finest shot. But, it could be argued, the advantage of underexposure is that some of the feather detail is still there so exposure could be altered in post processing, if only I knew how.
Ruby, just learn about the histogram and how to use it. Once you know, you'll get great image quality over and over again. I recently conducted a number of lectures and workshops specifically dealing with bird photography and for quite some period I explained this important tool. I am pretty confident in saying that most people who have grasped the gist of it have given me feedback that it has made a difference and especially when using a higher ISO (less noise if exposed well in a digital sense).
Mind you, it was a rainy day and I was taking the opportunity to quickly photograph this Australian Raven fishing for earthworms in a pond near the Birdlife Education Center at Newington Armory during lunchtime on the day I ran a workshop on bird photography. Horrible start of the day, but then it became absolutely gorgeous with late afternoon sun giving perfect light conditions as the icing on the cake.
M-L's gull shot, both look blown out from behind the eyes over the rest of the bird. So while they're both beautiful shots, most of the feather detail is lost in the blowout?
If I look at your photo of the Gull, I think it has a lot less detail than mine. It would be very interesting to hear if anybody would suggest that a photo as sharp as my Gull shot could or should be de-sharpened (if there was such a term)?
For the record, my shot is not altered, what do you want me to do about it? Sorry , it's just sharp and looks just as the bird looked sitting in the bright sunshine.
But what would I know about photography? I just take pictures.
If I look at your photo of the Gull, I think it has a lot less detail than mine. It would be very interesting to hear if anybody would suggest that a photo as sharp as my Gull shot could or should be de-sharpened (if there was such a term)?
But what would I know about photography? I just take pictures.
I thought this was a BIRD FORUM not some tit for tat playground trying to compare who has the better, sharper photo. For god sake we are missing the point AGAIN... Lets enjoy each others photos and get on with it .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If its photography you are going to bicker about than maybe you should try a photography forum than you can compare photos ,who has the better ,sharper and even the more knowledge. If you just take pictures , maybe thats what we all should just be doing. So lets get on with it and enjoy them.
M-L's gull shot, both look blown out from behind the eyes over the rest of the bird. So while they're both beautiful shots, most of the feather detail is lost in the blowout?
If I look at your photo of the Gull, I think it has a lot less detail than mine. It would be very interesting to hear if anybody would suggest that a photo as sharp as my Gull shot could or should be de-sharpened (if there was such a term)?
For the record, my shot is not altered, what do you want me to do about it? Sorry , it's just sharp and looks just as the bird looked sitting in the bright sunshine.
But what would I know about photography? I just take pictures.
I meant exactly what I said M-L? Absolutely, your photo is quality, exquisitely sharp and beautifuly detailed around the facial features, there is no question. But to my eyes, and bearing in mind everyone's monitor is calibrated differently, the head from behind the eye to the back of the eye is blown out, there is no feather detail at all. Back to personal preference, again, as simple as that.
I didn't make the comment to cause offense, so can only apologise if you have chosen to take it that way. Nor did I post my photo with the assumption it was better than anyone elses, that would just be rude & arrogant (I think I have even said mine is clearly not the best example). I was merely adding to DNA's explanation of blown out whites by showing the other end of the scale, underexposed.
Wow, stunner of a photo of that Raven! Black birds, almost as much of a nightmare for me as white ones Will get there one day. Thanks DNA, I really appreciate that - between lighting at night and histograms, I've got me some studying to do with this old brain. Bloody Taskmaster
I thought this was a BIRD FORUM not some tit for tat playground trying to compare who has the better, sharper photo. For god sake we are missing the point AGAIN... Lets enjoy each others photos and get on with it .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If its photography you are going to bicker about than maybe you should try a photography forum than you can compare photos ,who has the better ,sharper and even the more knowledge. If you just take pictures , maybe thats what we all should just be doing. So lets get on with it and enjoy them.
Sorry shoop, now you are missing the point. Yes the forum is about birds. (can I say again, you do not have to put words in capital letters, or twenty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The point of" this thread " Though is to talk about improving your photography, just as Akos, who has a lot of knowledge, is trying to do.
And if I'm making a point of not wanting to work on my photos, that is my personal choice, and Besty was asking for opinions.
Very hard to give any kind of opinion if you are unable to compare photos.
Sorry shoop, now you are missing the point. Yes the forum is about birds. (can I say again, you do not have to put words in capital letters, or twenty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The point of" this thread " Though is to talk about improving your photography, just as Akos, who has a lot of knowledge, is trying to do.
And if I'm making a point of not wanting to work on my photos, that is my personal choice, and Besty was asking for opinions.
Very hard to give any kind of opinion if you are unable to compare photos.
(anyway this is very amusing)
NO, you can't say AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can type the way I want to THANKYOU, and use twenty or even more than twenty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if I choose too. I am not going to get into a tit for tat with you M-L as I stated, this is a BIRD FORUM not a playgrounD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just to add : I DON'T appreciate your smug remarks of amusement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey alll .... im really sorry i didnt know what kind of "can of worms" i was opening up ... what a way to enter a web site hehe Hey Armiinta and Shoop, your right lets just take it back to a bird friendiy bird site .... shit pic and all .... ill post the first one .... its the only 1 my son and i have got of it , very rear around there , but we got it ..... and yes done up and still shit but we will up grade if we ever see another one .... again sorry
I wouldn't worry about it Besty Any photo that has a bird somewhere in it, is a good one to me! What is it? Is it a Black-faced or Black-winged Monarch? Or am I waaay off Sorry, I don't know all of the Aus birds well. Love birds with that beautiful black & cinnamon colouration.
I think it's best to start new threads with new photos really. It was originally a simple question asked by Bestie and has seemed to deteriorate into a silly carry-on. I remind some older members that I know two of my good friends left this forum due to the same sort of carrying on. I also left, but recently rejoined, sadly it does not look like much changed. I can still see the same common denominator that was the reason behind three of us leaving this site.
Not sure if it's worth wasting my time anymore to be honest.
Everyone here is passionate about birds and many carry that on to their photography - this is a place to share that passion. There is the opportunity for debate and personal opinion, as long as people remember that it is just that, a personal opinion. Please be respectful of each other and stop having digs. Don't put down other's preferences, and don't try to 'one-up' others.
Am closing this thread and if sniping continues I will look at further actions.
When you shoot in JPEG format the work that is normally done in photoshop is automatically done by the camera to a set formula. Sharpening and adjustments to contrast are done by the camera. Shooting in RAW format enables the photographer to have more control over these adjustments. By shooting in RAW you get the actual raw data and in JPEG format you have the enhanced data. By shooting in JPEG the photoshopping is automatically done by the camera. The only true out of the camera shot is in RAW format.
Ok, you seem to be asking about your PP not your shot itself?
Do you mind if i use your small file pic to show the potential that you have?
Shorty......Canon gear
Go for it ,ill take any help i can get ,im 51 and only picked up a camera for the first time about 12 months ago ,,,, any tips i would be most greatfull ....Cheers
OK, the file i have had to work with is very small so don't expect great results.
The trick is to not go to far with enhancements, just a little bit at a time.
Here is a quick job, but with a raw file i could do more.
I will be 51 soon so don't let that hold you back
Shorty......Canon gear
Can I make a suggestion please? Could you take this discussion over to :” Photography tips and tricks”? I would have loved to post some photos in this section under “Best Photos” Thanks
Ok then sorry im new here , so how do i do that
Hmmm, seems admin is awake and has moved this? As to why M-L could not post in best photos because of this post is beyond me ?
Don't worry, you will get the hang of this site quick
Shorty......Canon gear
No i worked it out and moved it mate
Which would I rather have on the wall? Dunno, as they are both really nice photos. To me though, it seems like in the processed one, the bird is just a tad too yellow. This only probably annoys me because I can tell it has been fiddled with due to the halo around the eagle, which makes my mind go: 'Hang on, that yellow must be faked as well', regardless of what colour the bird was. Without the halo, I probably wouldn't mid, as my mind would probably go 'That photo was taken in late afternoon, due to the colours'
With a dark bird against a light sky you need to overexpose for starters. This is especially true if you use evaluative/matrix metering where the camera reads the entire scene, not just the bird in which instance you have a nice sky and dark (too dark) bird. You generally need to blow out the sky to maintain any detail in the bird at all. The sensor has a limited dynamic range and simply cannot capture too dark and too bright at once without compromising the quality of either tonality. Can you please share the full frame shot, no cropping applied,and all other capture details? Camera, lens, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, metering mode etc...
Thanks for all your comments .. iv got my sons camera i upgraded his to a nikon 7000 and i took his d3100 so it was taken with that with a 300 mm lense on sports mode dont know the other stuff yet ,and the bottom one is the photo thats how close i was .We are going away for a week in late spring so he is goin to try and teach me a bit then .
Gee, it can't have been very far above you?
Yer Lachlan just above my head ....Here is 2 more of the same bird ....all feel free to play with them ... show me what anybody can do ... cheers..... i dont have photo shop i only use windows live photo gallery....
Wow! Great photos
Did you say that you only have been taking photos for a year?!
Well done!
Yep thats right ... needed something to do seeing i didnt have my son every weekend , so got his old camera and went at it ... and i love it dont no what im doin but thats ok its just fun walkin through the bush trying to get that good shot ....And thanks Elsie for your kind words
personally the one I would hang on the wall is the one shorty edited, you did a fantastic job capturing the bird and although the original seems to always win favourite on here there is nothing wrong with having an artsy version for other places and private.. well i wouldn't mind seeing more here anyway, maybe another section for edited photos wouldn't hurt so to not offend others?
Sorry, have had a bad week & seems my head is still on backwards as a result
(have been going through "new posts" backwards and answering old ones accidentally tonight), so I think I may have answered this question in your original post. Down to personal taste (again) & what you wanted to particularly look at on your wall IMO. If I was after a beautiful Wedgie that I, and anyone else, could see was a Wedgie, then Shorty's version. If I was after something more abstract or different, your first one Besty.
edited to add: Great in flight shots by the way, very jealous - BIF are not my forte, but I'm practising, practising
West Coast Tasmania
Thank you all for your comments .......Shorty love what u did to it ... love to see what u could do with the other 2 ....cheers
Thanks, rbbest. I don't use photoshop to enhance my pics, i use it for fun.
As i said before it is hard to make a small file look good but here is one for you.
I mostly use photoshop for fun like this shot of the moon and milkyway
Shorty......Canon gear
cool Shorty ....i checked out your site love the photos .... my 19 year old son is not to bad at it ,he loves it ....he took photos at the rodeo last year, i love this one ,its not the best pic but he got him just right ....lots of air .... it will be good to see what he can do with his new camera next year ..... and one he captured at a friends wedding...
I agree with Cassie , I would love to see a section for EDITED photos !! I don't like to edit photos either as a rule , especially birds ones, but I have played with a few and it is fun and you do get some great results . I don't see the harm in it as long as it is stated that it has been edited in some way. I say bring it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Here are two examples i have done with the orginal first followed by the edited done in photoshop. Nothing too dramatic but does give the photo a different feel.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Yes it does look different shoop, I like both originals a lot better. In the first one the duck has some natural colours in it. The second one of the duck is just shades of "grey". Unless that was your aim?
There is some reflection of the sun in the first one, that makes the duck look alive. The second one looks like a dead duck without much expression to me.
I'd go for the first one.
I also think, the challenge in photography is to get a better photo every time you take one. Unless it would be a rare bird, and there was only one chance to ever get another shot, yes it could be worth a try? But neither a Silver gull, nor a Pacific Black Duck is that rare, so I would try harder next time I'd see one. But that's me
I couldn't resist to post one photo of a Silver Gull I took. It is as it came out of the camera. The photo is uncropped and has nothing done to it, only put my name on it.
Feel free to try and better it.
I think it depends on what your trying to achieve, do you want the finished photo to look like art or as life like as possible either is fine it just depends on what you want from your photos.
I use photoshop almost every day but I try to use it to make my photos look more natural or to remove destracting or unwanted elements.
Araminta I think you and I like many others belonging to the "old school" film days and would like our photos to look their best straight out of the camera and even though your photos are outstanding I think most digital photos can benefit from a bit of P/P tweeking.
I now overexpose my photos very slightly thanks in part to a post by dna1972 on exposing to the right or ETTR this brought about a immediate improvement in the look of my bird photos by bringing out highlights and detail that had been lost before.
My son (an artist and expert at photoshop)is always at me to try and embrace new technology and change my ways of doing things instead of resisting and trying to stick with what I know .
Its easy for him he got his first computer at the age of 8 at that age I was still fascinated by my lego and marcarno set !
Imperfections and flaws add to the character of a photo. Just like in portraiture, lines and wrinkles, light and I do understand what you are saying sparrow. If you have a look at my photo of the Silver Gull, to me it is sharp, so doesn’t need any more sharpening. Yes, it has shadows under the chin (beak) and in front of the eye, but if you would remove those, the photo would lose depth, to me it would then just look flat and without any expression. Then there is the shadow of the eyelid, that belongs there as well. All those elements contribute to depict the character of the bird and bring it to life. As the bird in my photo (the Silver Gull) is just a portrait and the bird is not engaged in any action, the light and dark parts are needed in my view, otherwise it would simply be a lifeless , expressionless photo. So, what could be done to it, to improve the photo? shade are an important element of expression.
Thankyou Sparrow ..... sometimes it is hard to express ones self but i think you have made the point I was trying to make . Araminta is set on ''original '' is the best and that is entirely fine but I have to agree with Sparrow we aren't out to get the best in clarity or the closest, sharpest or even the natural colours. There is so much more to capture even if is a common bird, ah la Silver Gull or Pacific Black Duck .Capture it doing something a little bit different , we have both posted a Silver Gull in a portrait position and as much as it does show all those characteristics Araminta has mentioned (which don't get me wrong) I love to be able to get that clarity and sharpness I think if we all went for that it would be boring !!!!!!!! I think Araminta is missing the point we are trying to make here. It is not about improving the photo at all ..far from it ....it is just personal choice of what one sees or wants to see, whether it be artistic , natural or even absract. Thats why I posted the two photos, one original and one that had been edited. I'm not aiming for those natural things that Araminta mentioned when I edit a photo .Whether the duck looks alive or dead I am concentrating on more of the mood (or personal expression), then the visual . But i suppose we could share our personal opinions all day long . End of the story is ''personal choice'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Shoop ....here hear ..... but i do think a lot is to do with the camera and lenses being used ...Araminta your photos are beautiful , they are clear and sharp and dont need a thing doing to them , but no matter how i try my 7 year old secondhand camera and my one lens [300mm] just cannot take photos like yours and a lot of them would need help to put on here , but i am getting better at taking photos as i learn more about where to have the light and a bit more about the camera settings and i should be a lot better at it by the time i can save up enough money to buy a nice new camera [ one day].....Cheers
Thanks shoop, I am not missing any point, no need to put that many of those !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here.
I have no intention to enter into any discussion about Art, (although I do feel tempted to talk about it, seeing I have just a "tiny bit" of background in the field of modern Art)
I should never have entered into this discussion in the first place, seeing I'm the first one to admit , I know nothing about photography,
I wish you the best in achieving your personal goal in the Art of Photography,what ever that might be.
Comes back again to our own personal opinions, and I don't think anyone is trying to upset anyone, just seeking opinions from others. I have said it before and now say it again, this forum is about putting your own best work forward, and if others don't like your work, or don't want to offer comment, then that is fine. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and what some love, others will not like. Seems sometimes opinions expressed here are taken a bit too personally. We all should present our work the way we enjoy it, and not be too hung up on the opinions of others. Don't hold back your photos, because in your own opinion, they are not as good as other members. If i have 1 frustration forum, it is about people who continually apologise for the quality of their work. My photos are average, I have equipment that I can afford, but even if I had top of the range, my shaky hands and poor eyesight will prevent me from achieving perfect results, but I am happy, and enjoy participating in this forum.
If you don't want open and honest discussion, and are not prepared to listen to others opinions, then you should not ask for comments on personal preference.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
I disagree , it’s not the equipment you have, it’s what you do with it. I have a much shorter lens than most other people on this forum, there are many other factors that are important. One is to see what a good composition is, and getting as close as you can to the birds, those kind of things.
Neither is it how expensive your camera is. Only three years ago, all I had was a little camera I bought at "Aldi"for $ 78, took some interesting photos back then
, should post some one day.
Trust me, I have met some people with Canon Cameras and lenses worth thousands of dollars, they did countless courses on how to use manual settings, but I have yet to see any great photos they have taken
I have met groups of members of Photography Clubs taking photos in Parks. They carried backpacks full of stuff, by the time they put their gear into action I was going home
after I had a few hundred photos in my bag.
I wouldn't worry about your 7 year old camera, i'm sure you will be able to take great photos , looking forward to see some.
Thanks for your coments Araminta .... but tell me ,only if u like what are u useing now ... it takes very nice pic
With white birds it's best to photograph early or late in the day when the sun is low, so the whites don't burn out. It's also good to photograph white birds during overcast days. Bright light and white tones don't make good combinations. Photoshop cannot "better" a white bird photographed under bright sun that result in washed out whites. Of course if the person is happy with that then that's fine.
There adage that the person using the equipment is far more important than the equipment itself is very true, however, having the right equipment makes the photographer's task easier. It is far easier (though still very hard) to photograph a bird with say 700mm focal length than 300mm due to the lens' magnification factor. Although, longer lenses don't give you a guaranteed success rate without practice and more practice. Handholding them is also not everyone's cup of tea or is outside their ability.
Being able to stay further away, outside the bird's comfort zone, also means you can have more opportunities that you can turn into successful photographs. The closer you get the more you would generally stress the birds. Though in someone's own garden the birds will likely get used to that person and be more approachable than the same species of birds in the wild that are not used to someone always poking around with a camera. So the challenges remain for many people, for probably most. So longer lenses mean better opportunities.
I do agree that old cameras are fine. Older models are as awesome and useable today as they were many moons ago when the masses had to buy the latest and greatest camera yet again. They could create awesome photos years ago, why should they not do the same today? The number of megapixels is irrelevant, but many people seem to love the "cropability" of the newer 22-38 megapixel cameras. I always strive to create the final image as close to as possible in camera so I don't have to crop anything at all, or just a very little bit.
Gooday Dna 1972 thanks for the tips mate ,i shall start putting them into practise ,might even get a lend of my soms 600mm lens ,seeing i brought it for him ..... Thanks mate cheers
I don't mind telling you, I use a Sony SLT A-77 V camera, and a Sony 70-400mm F4.0-5.6 G SSM lens
I think I completely understand what shoop was saying. Never did she say, that I can see, "lets edit our photo's and call that photography. Editing, post-processing, photo manipulation, enhancing.......call it what you like, but none of those actions are actually the act of "photography" - i.e. picking up a camera & taking a photo - and I don't think anyone has implied they are. To me, they are a completely separate form of art implemented after the act of the art of photography, if you like. So, correct me if I am wrong shoop
, but you were referring to altering a photo for it to purposely become a visually different/additional art form that the creator has in mind?
As far as your altered photo's go shoop, I'm not quite sure about the duck. Although I actually quite like the B&W version, but it needs something in the tones or highlights...but that's just my eyes/opinion too, it's what YOU want to see that matters
DNA has explained the whites and the whys & what times of day far better than I ever could. The white in your altered gull shot, and also in M-L's gull shot, both look blown out from behind the eyes over the rest of the bird. So while they're both beautiful shots, most of the feather detail is lost in the blowout. So definitely like your original gull better. But again, that is just my eyes, my opinion - one of hundreds I'm sure
. And if you ask me can I practice what I say? No, I still blow out whites all the time. For me I find it difficult to get that balance, but still learning & practising!
I have a gull example I hope you don't mind me sharing, one of the first I ever took with my old DSLR, that is probably the exact opposite of blowing out whites. Apart from the blowout starting over the top of the head, the rest is probably too undexposed, not my finest shot. But, it could be argued, the advantage of underexposure is that some of the feather detail is still there so exposure could be altered in post processing, if only I knew how.

West Coast Tasmania
Ruby, just learn about the histogram and how to use it. Once you know, you'll get great image quality over and over again. I recently conducted a number of lectures and workshops specifically dealing with bird photography and for quite some period I explained this important tool. I am pretty confident in saying that most people who have grasped the gist of it have given me feedback that it has made a difference and especially when using a higher ISO (less noise if exposed well in a digital sense).
See a couple of my basic tutorials here:
Here is an example for you Ruby. The finished photo
And the histogram of the RAW file as it was out of the camera.
Mind you, it was a rainy day and I was taking the opportunity to quickly photograph this Australian Raven fishing for earthworms in a pond near the Birdlife Education Center at Newington Armory during lunchtime on the day I ran a workshop on bird photography. Horrible start of the day, but then it became absolutely gorgeous with late afternoon sun giving perfect light conditions as the icing on the cake.
Ruby, what exactly do you mean by
M-L's gull shot, both look blown out from behind the eyes over the rest of the bird. So while they're both beautiful shots, most of the feather detail is lost in the blowout?
If I look at your photo of the Gull, I think it has a lot less detail than mine. It would be very interesting to hear if anybody would suggest that a photo as sharp as my Gull shot could or should be de-sharpened (if there was such a term
For the record, my shot is not altered, what do you want me to do about it? Sorry , it's just sharp and looks just as the bird looked sitting in the bright sunshine.
But what would I know about photography? I just take pictures.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I meant exactly what I said M-L?
Absolutely, your photo is quality, exquisitely sharp and beautifuly detailed around the facial features, there is no question. But to my eyes, and bearing in mind everyone's monitor is calibrated differently, the head from behind the eye to the back of the eye is blown out, there is no feather detail at all. Back to personal preference, again, as simple as that.
I didn't make the comment to cause offense, so can only apologise if you have chosen to take it that way. Nor did I post my photo with the assumption it was better than anyone elses, that would just be rude & arrogant (I think I have even said mine is clearly not the best example). I was merely adding to DNA's explanation of blown out whites by showing the other end of the scale, underexposed.
West Coast Tasmania
Wow, stunner of a photo of that Raven! Black birds, almost as much of a nightmare for me as white ones
Will get there one day. Thanks DNA, I really appreciate that - between lighting at night and histograms, I've got me some studying to do with this old brain. Bloody Taskmaster 

Well said shoop
West Coast Tasmania
.shoop said:
I thought this was a BIRD FORUM not some tit for tat playground trying to compare who has the better, sharper photo. For god sake we are missing the point AGAIN... Lets enjoy each others photos and get on with it .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If its photography you are going to bicker about than maybe you should try a photography forum than you can compare photos ,who has the better ,sharper and even the more knowledge. If you just take pictures , maybe thats what we all should just be doing. So lets get on with it and enjoy them.
Sorry shoop, now you are missing the point. Yes the forum is about birds. (can I say again, you do not have to put words in capital letters, or twenty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The point of" this thread " Though is to talk about improving your photography, just as Akos, who has a lot of knowledge, is trying to do.
And if I'm making a point of not wanting to work on my photos, that is my personal choice, and Besty was asking for opinions.
Very hard to give any kind of opinion if you are unable to compare photos.
(anyway this is very amusing
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Hey alll .... im really sorry i didnt know what kind of "can of worms" i was opening up ... what a way to enter a web site hehe
Hey Armiinta and Shoop, your right lets just take it back to a bird friendiy bird site .... shit pic and all .... ill post the first one .... its the only 1 my son and i have got of it , very rear around there , but we got it ..... and yes done up and still shit but we will up grade if we ever see another one .... again sorry
I wouldn't worry about it Besty
Any photo that has a bird somewhere in it, is a good one to me!
What is it? Is it a Black-faced or Black-winged Monarch? Or am I waaay off
Sorry, I don't know all of the Aus birds well. Love birds with that beautiful black & cinnamon colouration.
West Coast Tasmania
I think it's best to start new threads with new photos really. It was originally a simple question asked by Bestie and has seemed to deteriorate into a silly carry-on. I remind some older members that I know two of my good friends left this forum due to the same sort of carrying on. I also left, but recently rejoined, sadly it does not look like much changed. I can still see the same common denominator that was the reason behind three of us leaving this site.
Not sure if it's worth wasting my time anymore to be honest.
Ruby i think its a black faced monarch ,,,, now lets all end this convesation and get on with the birds ......
Apologies for being late to this thread.
Everyone here is passionate about birds and many carry that on to their photography - this is a place to share that passion. There is the opportunity for debate and personal opinion, as long as people remember that it is just that, a personal opinion. Please be respectful of each other and stop having digs. Don't put down other's preferences, and don't try to 'one-up' others.
Am closing this thread and if sniping continues I will look at further actions.
Hi holly, totally agree with you! Best leave this all behind us and move on with a more positive attitude :)
When you shoot in JPEG format the work that is normally done in photoshop is automatically done by the camera to a set formula. Sharpening and adjustments to contrast are done by the camera. Shooting in RAW format enables the photographer to have more control over these adjustments. By shooting in RAW you get the actual raw data and in JPEG format you have the enhanced data. By shooting in JPEG the photoshopping is automatically done by the camera. The only true out of the camera shot is in RAW format.