Fabulous Fairy Martins (nest building)

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windshear's picture
Fabulous Fairy Martins (nest building)

I was over at my neighbours' place yesterday helping them dig a ditch, and I noticed that the Fairy Martins had almost finished their nests. There now looks to be about 7 nests in one little group of nests, and several others either getting underway or almost finished.

I try not to intrude too much, but where they are is right above the neighbours' back door, so if they don't like humans, they picked a bad spot. cool Thought I would pop some 'finished product' shots up.

And they were also raiding the lawn clippings piles for nesting materials. :)

Woko's picture

It seems they don't see the comings & goings of humans as a threat. Ah, if only all humans were like this.

Araminta's picture

That is simply beautiful windshearyes I have never seen any of them. We had some Welcome Swallows under our car port 2 years ago, but they didn't come backcrying I can'r wait for some more photos.

(we need someone to help us dig a ditch, can you come over please?cool, I'll just go inside and put dinner onwink.5 course French, would that be alright?) 


narly's picture

Fantastic , I've been watching my Shrike Thrush checking out an old Blackbirds nest in the carport, hopefully they'll find it to their liking.smiley


windshear's picture

Araminta wrote:

That is simply beautiful windshearyes I have never seen any of them. We had some Welcome Swallows under our car port 2 years ago, but they didn't come backcrying I can'r wait for some more photos.

(we need someone to help us dig a ditch, can you come over please?cool, I'll just go inside and put dinner onwink.5 course French, would that be alright?) 

That does sound wonderful M-L. You might have to give me a few weeks to recover from my last ditch digging esca-spades. 

Oy vey my back.crying

Not sure what the Welcome Swallows are doing this year. They seemed a bit overwhelmed with the multitude of Fairy Martins, although their nests aren't in the same area. I guess there's a lot of competition for food when a few dozen birds with babies are looking for it. 

The butcherbirds got the swallow kids about 3 years ago, and it took them a couple of years to return after that, but last year they had three little chicks survive and fly the coop. They might still come back. 

windshear's picture

narly wrote:

Fantastic , I've been watching my Shrike Thrush checking out an old Blackbirds nest in the carport, hopefully they'll find it to their liking.smiley

That would be lovely. smiley

windshear's picture

narly wrote:

Fantastic , I've been watching my Shrike Thrush checking out an old Blackbirds nest in the carport, hopefully they'll find it to their liking.smiley

That would be lovely. smiley

rawshorty's picture

Fantastic, Windshear. I am glad your neighbour has let them continue. Some people would see it as eyesore on their house and destroy them and re-paint.frown

Shorty......Canon gear



Elsie's picture

Lovely Windshear!

Well doneyes

Karen's picture

Its so amazing that the nest stays up there.  Will be wonderful to watch their progress.

Brisbane southside.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Incredible how they do it.  Just beautiful windshear.  Looking forward to some more pics down the track!

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

Thanks! I will keep an eye on them and keep ya'll updated. :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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