also taken at the Jawbone Wetlands yesterday, some Pacific Black Ducks. There were about 20 Purple Swamphens with what I thought might have been juveniles(?), they looked a lot smaller. I couldn't get close to them , so no photos
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Excellent shots, M-L.
You could not get close? are you loosing your touch
Shorty......Canon gear
Haha Shorty, I think the one in the photo was one of the mothers, look at her and you can see how upset she was? She was running up and down infront of them, so I gave up
beautiful shot M-L! The second one is just amazing!!!
Beautiful photos Araminta!
Melbourne – South-East
They are great shots. I've been trying to get some chic shots of a couple of different birds, but the parents are too protective. I don't like to upset them either, so just walk away.
Brisbane southside.