I saw a few birds over the weekend. Snapped some too. Jerusalem Bay was nice, sunny and warm probably around 24-25 degrees. I feel sorry for all you poor rained-in housebound southern folk. It is cold and windy now though. Must be snowing down there.
I seem to have been trying a new technique on the pardalote shot. I call it the posterior focus technique. I'm not sure it will take off.
Lumme...Me ol' eyes ain't what they used to be.
Gorgeous photos Richman! :)
Particularly love the Rock Warbler. :)
I love the Spinebill the mostlooks like a fat little angel
But how did you stretch the Pardalote? Almost looks as if it needed 4 legs
The Fire-tails are husband and wife no doubt. She must be telling him off for something he did wrong?
And yes it's freeeeezing down here. Will go to bed with a hot waterbottle soon
No rain here, Just snow and freezing wind chill
Shorty......Canon gear
I knew it was snowing somewhere. My two little fingers tell me every time.
M.L. The spinebill is my fave too. (lucky shot) The pardalote was defending his turf from interlopers. He is standing up very straight and you'll note his crest is raised. He was very vocal and chased another two off into another tree before returning to this one by himself.
Brilliant shots Richman. Love your "posterior focus technique" with the Pardy, that made me laugh - great for ID though! That technique must be from the same manual I base my "one-eye-and-nothing-else-in-focus" or my other favourite I do "which-bird-is-this-tail-on-the-edge-of-the-frame" technique. Is that a Scrubwren in the third shot? They do always look cranky don't they, I think it's the "brow" - ours always sound cranky too Snow a little way down the road here too! Brrrr.
West Coast Tasmania