I had a chance to photograph this bird on the outskirts of Normanton, Queensland. I am having difficulty with its ID! In view of the sighting's location I am tending towards Paperbark Flycatcher. Now awaiting the adjudicator's decision!! Advice please.
Many thanks,
Location sounds good... it looks different to the Restless FC here on the coast, so it must be a Paperbark FC. The two birds are currently sub-species, not separate species, which seems weird because the two populations are not separated. Usually two races of the same species don't differ significantly enough to be considered sub-species unless their populations become separated. In fact, none of my field guides show a picture of Paperbark FC, and only mentions them as a race of Restless FC suggesting that there is no obvious or physical difference between the two. I think it just depends on location, and if they are just races consider them the same species.
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Location says Paperbark Flycatcher; the BARC (Birds Australia Rarities Committee) Checklist of Australian Birds v1.1 includes: #871 Myiagra nana - Paperbark Flycatcher and #872 Myiagra inquieta - Restless Fycatcher (species names should be italicised); I am on a short period of leave and therefore away from home and have only Slater Field Guide 2nd edition 2009 that has the 2 species and 2 sketches with above names on page 360 with locations of Paperbark F from Broome WA to Torres Strait islands Qld, ie includes Normanton and Restless F from from Mossman Qld to north of Perth WA, ie no overlap in territory; my Paperbark F pic is from Fogg Dam, NT in 3/13 and I ided purely from location
Many thanks for your comments. I am labelling the phot as a Paperbark Flycatcher.
Mike in SA