I was just looking at today's photos and deleting the bad ones, just when I wanted to delete this one, I noticed the metal ring on his foot. The bird looks like a young Grey Currawong to me, but why would anyone ring one? Took the photo this afternoon on Phillip Island, should I investigate about the band?
The more I look at it, the more I wonder if it even is a Currawong? Help
looks good for a Grey Currawon to me; the eye colour and beak shape appear right
Thanks Peter, do you think I should find out who banded them and if they would like some info about the location I saw the bird?
it would be good to do so
Definitely a Grey Currawong... when identifying these birds, just look at the undertail and rump. Pied Cw. have a white undertail and the white band across the rump; Grey Cw. have a white undertail but lacks the white rump band... and Black Cw. lacks both white patches.
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Thanks Brandonall I have to do now,is remember .