Here are a couple for the boffins

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Here are a couple for the boffins

Both at The Hill (Woo-La-Ra) at Wentworth Point/Newington today (15-09-13)

Number one (two pics) is about the size of a myna looks a bit like a tawny grass bird was pecking around in the grass.

Number two is a Raptor (also two pics), my guess is a sparrowhawk as that was listed on the the board on the hill. It seems to have a yellowish eye ring, yellowish around the beak and yellowish legs and was soaring then hovering. Then it would tuck it's wings in and sometimes dive to a lower level and hover again. Other times it would dive below my sight line into the grass. It was joined by a second one and then moved off Northward. One was back later when I was taking pics of a Black Shouldered Kite sitting in a tree.

Besty's picture

gooday Richman the first is an Austrailan [ Richards ] Pipit and the second is a Nankeen Kestrel nice shotsyes


Thanks. You are my new besty, besty. wink

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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