Too bad it's raining, there are at least 5 Golden Whistlers in the trees around my house. But I'm not taking my camera out in the rain These two were in shrubs close enough to the house, so I could stay out of the rain.
One of them had a good look at me with one eye They were pretty wet, but still singing.
There's a saying... having a drink is to "wet your whistle"... or in this case "Wet your whistler"
Haha windshear I especially love the first shot M-L
I hope the rain stops for you soon (and comes to my house)
The birds love the rain. If you had a Canon you could take it out in the rain
Shorty......Canon gear
Great photos. The water droplets in the first photo add another dimension.
Lol, they do to, don't they Shorty! Could do too with a Nikon Mine has an extra two layers as well as the factory ones for just such times
West Coast Tasmania