noisy minor

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dicutting10's picture
noisy minor

Thoufgt it was only the wrens that liked their reflection caught this noisy minor at Tidbinbilla nature park yesterday having a great time he looks to me like he cannot believe that is what he looks like.


windshear's picture

Hehehehe, very cute! :)

On the whole mirror thing, I have a Magpie Lark that likes to examine himself in the wing mirror of one of our cars once every few days. He lands on the roof of the car, looks around as though to check if anyone is watching him do it, then flies down and lands on it. So far I haven't had my camera on me to catch him doing it, but it's quite amusing to watch.

Araminta's picture

That is great, sharp photoyes The reflection is fantastic. (you must clean your car a lot?)

At my place the male Wren and the White-browed Scrubwren do it on the front of the car. But one bird is attacking my dirty windows all day long, a Striated Thornbill.


donnanags's picture

Wonderful capture Diane.

dicutting10's picture

thanks for the comments and my car should be shiny as it is new!! - mazda 3 and I love it


Woko's picture

Rather than admiring or being intrigued by themselves in the mirrors of Australia I suspect these birds see rivals & competitors.

Araminta's picture

I am convinced Woko is right, I have watched birds do it for hours on end, they get frustrated and upset, simply because they can't get rid of the rival.


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