She was sitting on her eggs in the car park, while he was trying to chase off everybody that walked past.What the hell are we doing to our wildlife?
I can hear someone say: shows how birds adapt. Yes, I'd say it is a sad fact that they have to, because we deprive them of their natural habitat.
(before someone says it, yes, I stayed well away from them)
As aways great shot , they seem to follow man's urban movement .
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
I'm afraid that most people think of only one thing............themselves.
Shorty......Canon gear
Well put Shorty
Not only do you speak 4 languages
and play 3 instruments
, you are also very wise
Not to forget go fishing and have the ocasional beer or two.
Here here M-L. There certainly won't be much habitat left for them if we keep cutting and removing plants. We need to start education early perhaps at school. I don't know if they teach this sort of thing about the environment at school.
You're a brave person getting that close to possibly nesting Plovers, Araminta...
As for the bit about teaching it at school, well they do. Sometimes it is more effective than others, but teachers do try an teach it.
From the Stage 6 (Yr 11 + 12) Biology Syllabus:
One of the 'Aims' of the course is:
(Students will) develop positive attitudes towards the study of living things, the environment and the opinions held by others, recognising the importance of evidence and the use of critical evaluation of different scientific opinions related to various aspects of biology.
And a piece from later on:
Implications of biology for society and the environment
Biology has an impact on our society and the environment and students need to develop knowledge of the importance of positive values and practices in relation to society and the environment. The study of biology should enable students to develop:
• understanding about the interrelatedness among people and their biophysical surroundings
• skills in decision-making about issues concerning society and the environment
• an awareness of the social and environmental responsibility of a scientist
• an awareness of areas of biology that relate to distinctively Australian environments.
And another chunk from 'Objectives and Outcomes':
'Students will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of themselves,others, learning as a lifelong process, biology and the environment
A student demonstrates positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non- living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science
A student justifies positive values about and attitudes towards both the living and non- living components of the environment, ethical behaviour and a desire for a critical evaluation of the consequences of the applications of science'
Most of this is developed from things done in Yr 7-10 especially Science, Geography and History.
Chemistry also has a environmental component, but it is less significant than that in Biology. Presumably other Stage 6 subjects like Earth and Environmental Science and Geography would have a similar component, but I wouldn't know.
Anyway, hope that (sort of) answers your questions Donna...