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rawshorty's picture

Had a great day at the wetlands today.

Little-Pied Cormorant-4250 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little-Pied Cormorant-4250 by rawshorty, on Flickr



Little-Pied Cormorant-4295 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Little-Pied Cormorant-4295 by rawshorty, on Flickr



Little-Black Cormorant-3928 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Little-Black Cormorant-3928 by rawshorty, on Flickr



Great Egret-4159 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Great Egret-4159 by rawshorty, on Flickr



Great Egret-4110 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Great Egret-4110 by rawshorty, on Flickr



And you have to look where you are walking now the weather is warming upsurprise

Brown Snake-3976 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Brown Snake-3976 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Elsie's picture

Wow! Nice shot of the snake! It looks like it's ready to shed it's skin. That can make them pretty crankysmiley

I love hte eye colour of the little black cormorant! 

Well doneyes

dicutting10's picture

Great shots - especially the reminder of the brown - my huband has told me to wear my gaiters - but it seems too much trouble.  I may rethink!!! 


windshear's picture

I was talking to a guy out at Oxley Creek Common on saturday who said he'd seen about 5 snakes. I didn't see any myself... not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

Love the lunch photo. :)

rawshorty's picture

Thanks everyone for your comments.

Diane.........there are heaps of snakes around the wetlands at the moment.

This one has a hide under the concrete ramp to the "Cygnus" hide.

Brown Snake-4830 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Brown Snake-4830 by rawshorty, on Flickr

While in the hide to the right of the carpark (don't remember the name) myself and Ian spotted a 6 footer in front of the hide so went around to get some shots.

Brown Snake-4930 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Brown Snake-4930 by rawshorty, on Flickr

After taking some shots we turned around to see this one right behind us.

Brown Snake-4932 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Brown Snake-4932 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Then i went for a short walk and saw 4 moresurprise They are very subdued at the moment but keep your eye's peeled.

And on a side note, the Treatment works are open again.cool

Shorty......Canon gear



dicutting10's picture

Hi Shorty

Thanks for that - think I will give the wetlands a miss for a while - was at Namagi again this morning and kept looking at the ground instead of the trees!  Still no gaiters.  Great photos - I would not stand around taking photos of a snake - you would not see me for dust!


rawshorty's picture

Diane, don't let the snakes put you off, they are not as bad as most people fear. As long as you don't step on them they will not normally attack a human.

Shorty......Canon gear



pacman's picture

rawshorty wrote:

And on a side note, the Treatment works are open again.cool

Red-necked Stint, Whiskered and Common Tern reported there


rawshorty's picture

LOL, by wholaugh

Got Sharp-tailed, black-fronted,red-kneed, 40+H H Grebe, Whiskered,Ducks galore, Raptors, Etc.

Shorty......Canon gear



darinnightowl's picture

looks like a great day was had and with that many snakes close by may be a felmale brown was hanging  around that will bring the boys out.

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

pacman's picture

Wood Sandpiper, Blue-billed Duck & Red-necked Stint reported there today


rawshorty's picture

Thanks, Peter. Got the Wood Sandpiper after work today.

Shorty......Canon gear



Annie W
Annie W's picture

Brilliant day by the looks Shorty!!  I'm with Elsie, the colour of the eyes of a LBC are just mesmerising!  Fantastic shots Shorty.  Even love the jake blakes ;-) - and that is why I bird, even in summer looking like an dork, wearing knee high snow boots...well perhaps not always laugh

West Coast Tasmania

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